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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Conn Coll chapter.

We all love Shain Library. Where else can we go at 1 am in the morning and find other people working diligently? It helps regain the motivation needed to complete any given assignment to know that your peers are right there with you, also working! However, we can all agree that it can be a pretty crazy place during finals! Everyone looks sad, everyone is talking, people are distracting, and the scramble for a table is like something out of the Hunger Games. When you notice that someone has taken your favorite cubby and then you look around and notice that all of the cubbies have been taken means that it could be time for a change! Do not fear, there are other great places to study on campus!! 

Crozier Williams, College Center: Any place in Cro is really great for doing homework! However, we particularly love the area outside of the big dance studio in the third floor. This lounge is great and has super comfy chairs. It also has a really nice desk if you’re lucky enough to snag it. It is usually a really quiet space as long as no one is practicing for a big production. Also Try: The Connection on the second floor of Cro, the area right by the second floor dance studio and the 1941 Room. Also, the tables by the vending machines outside of the 1962 Room are really nice and quiet with just the right amount of movement as people walk in or out of the back doors. 

Empty classrooms: Although these can be pretty eerie, studying in empty classroom can help you get a lot of work done! Why not try a room in Blaustein? Perhaps studying in the classroom where you ultimately plan to take your final can help you recall the information better! Plus the huge black and white boards are huge benefits if you are a visual learner or working with a group!

Blaustein Humanities Center: Third Floor. There is a little known study spot with great seating right outside of the academic offices. Blaustein is such an architecturally great building and has so many rooms! Did you know it was formerly the college library? Well, consider doing some of your review reading up there. Walk around until you find your favorite spot. 

Women’s Center and The LGBTQ Center: Both of these centers have great study places and super comfy chairs! They also are great places to host study groups. The Women’s Center is in the basement of Smith/Burdick and the LGBTQ Center is on the first floor of Burdick! 

What are your favorite places to study? Let us know and we can add to the list! Happy studying! 

Janil Tejada is a Connecticut College Junior. She was born and raised in New York City. She is currently majoring in Latin American Studies and History. She is considering getting a PhD in Latin American studies. However, her heart has always been in issues affecting females and fashion. She is also passionate about social justice! She loves it all. She is PICA scholar, MMUF and NASPA NUFT fellow and Floor Governor. She is also in Eclipse and Umoja. She is very friendly and loves it when people get involved! Feel free to ask her any question!
Her Campus Conn Coll