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Campus Cuties: Marina & Sophia

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Conn Coll chapter.


Abigail Kulewicz shares with us this week’s Campus Cuties:

Meet Sophia and Marina! Two sophomores at Conn who are verrrry involved. But, besides being involved with many things, they are also best friends and roommates. How cool is that? Anyway, this energetic duo always knows how to have fun while keeping others in good spirits. Intrigued? Read this hilarious interview and you’ll see why they are Her Campus Conn Coll’s first female Campus Cuties! We couldn’t be happier that it’s the two of them!


Names: Sophia DeLevie-Orey & Marina Sachs

Year: 2015

Sophia’s Major: History Major with a Hispanic Studies Minor         

Hometown: Hastings-on-Hudson, New York

Marina’s Major: Government and Religion Double-Major
Hometown: Madison, Connecticut
Relationship Status: Married (Sophia is the wife)
How did you two meet/become best friends?

Marina: I saw her across a crowded room…the 1941 room actually.

Sophia: It was a really romantic setting; your typical Cro dance ridden with DFMO’s (Dance Floor Make-Outs) and the like. We had one really romantic song together and I didn’t think I would ever see her again.

Marina: But I couldn’t stop thinking about her. 3 months later…I worked up the courage to ask her out to a local hotspot- Harris Refectory- and the rest is history.

How do both of you support each other when the other one is down?

The Lizzie McGuire Movie.

 Favorite characteristic about each other?

Our ability to comfortably spoon in a Twin XL bed, as if it were a California King. We actually only have one bed in our room.

Sophia: What’s it like to be in N2O?  Can improv be difficult sometimes?

 I love being in N2O, it’s basically just like playing childhood games for sport in front of an audience. Also, everyone in it is really weird so that’s fun.

Marina:  How has your experience been with the Connartists?  Is it intimidating to be in an acapella group?

It was totally intimidating at first (having never been in an a capella group before), but after realizing that all of us are a bunch of music nerds at heart, the group dynamic evolved into something harmonious. Heh. Harmony.

Favorite food?

Marina: Celery.

Sophia: Marina, that’s not a food.

Marina: Okay, broccoli.

Sophia: Anything the average 6 year old would like.

Marina: She has juice boxes and Goldfish in our room at all times.

Favorite quote?

Sophia: Hey now!

Marina: Hey now!

Sophia: This is what dreams are made of.

If you could have one Superpower, what would it be and why?

 We both broke 5 feet! We think that’s pretty super.

Favorite song at the moment?

Sophia: I couldn’t name a single song on my iPod but I like them.

Marina: Anything and everything Creed.  

How do you both feel about being the first two girls in the Conn Coll Chapter to be Campus Cuties, and “breaking the stereotype”?


Danielle is a sophomore at Connecticut College and is currently pursuing a double-major in International Relations and Middle Eastern Studies. Danielle began writing for the Connecticut College branch of Her Campus in the fall of 2011 and will continue to write this year as Editor and Campus Correspondent. Danielle has traveled all over the world and continues her love for other cultures and languages through her studies. Besides traveling, she loves to sing and dance - especially as a member of Miss Connduct, an all-female A capella group at Connecticut College. In general, Danielle loves sushi, goats, traveling, and Star Wars/Lord of the Rings. She is thrilled to be working with Her Campus this year!