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Campus Cutie: Libby Nichols

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Conn Coll chapter.

As a senior on the women’s lacrosse team, a member of SafteyNet, and a Think S.A.F.E intern, this week’s Campus Cutie really does it all! Her Campus caught up with Libby Nichols to talk about the upcoming lacrosse season and her many accomplishments and contributions during her four years at Conn. 

Name: Libby Nichols

Year: 2013

Major: Human Development

Hometown: Baltimore, MD

How do you feel about this spring being your last lacrosse season? Well I hadn’t really thought about it….and I’m trying to keep it that way as long as I can. All I can say is that I couldn’t have asked for a better experience. My teammates are my best friends. 

What’s one of your favorite moments while playing lacrosse at Conn? This is a tough one…considering most of my favorite moments at Conn are lacrosse-related. One big highlight was beating Williams in Orlando, FL last season. We beat them by one goal in the last eight seconds of the game. We’re expecting to do the same this season-same place, same time, same outcome!   

What made you interested in being a part of SafetyNet? I have to give some credit to Katelyn Driscoll ’12.  She was a Think S.A.F.E intern last year and highly encouraged me to apply. I went through Green Dot training last year, but knew I wanted to get more involved. I was also impressed with how fun and successful the programs and events were. It is clear how deeply the student body feels about education and advocacy regarding sexual assault, domestic violence, and bystander intervention. Seeing how supportive and passionate Conn is about having a S.A.F.E (Sexual Assault Free Environment) on this campus is awesome. It’s hard to put into words how rewarding my experience with SafetyNet has been. Not to get all sappy…but the work that students have done on this campus continues to amaze me, and I can’t thank Darcie Folsom enough for being such an inspiration and role model for me. Her passion and excitement for what she does is truly inspiring.

What do you do as a S.A.F.E intern? Being a Think S.A.F.E. intern is the best job ever!!! Intern duties include developing programming and events around campus regarding sexual violence, domestic/dating violence and stalking. Some upcoming and AWESOME events include the Rock the Dot Variety Show, Green Dot Women’s Lacrosse game, and Green Dot training in April. I also work with an AMAZING group of SafetyNetters, two other creative genius interns (Gina Deitz and Shannon Keating), and of course the one and only Darcie Folsom. My personal favorite task has been writing numbers on the Green Dot hockey pucks (all 204 of them). 

During your four years at Conn, what has been the most rewarding experience you have had either on or off the field? Spending the majority of my senior year in Cro 222.

What’s your current relationship status? If I went to a stop light party, I’d be flashing yellow.

Do you have a type? Times New Roman.

Celebrity crush? Ray Rice.

Favorite song to listen to before a game? Wop, by J. Dash (dance included).

If you had one superpower what would it be and why? The ability to teleport. Being able to travel anywhere in the world instantaneously would be one of the coolest things ever.

Danielle is a sophomore at Connecticut College and is currently pursuing a double-major in International Relations and Middle Eastern Studies. Danielle began writing for the Connecticut College branch of Her Campus in the fall of 2011 and will continue to write this year as Editor and Campus Correspondent. Danielle has traveled all over the world and continues her love for other cultures and languages through her studies. Besides traveling, she loves to sing and dance - especially as a member of Miss Connduct, an all-female A capella group at Connecticut College. In general, Danielle loves sushi, goats, traveling, and Star Wars/Lord of the Rings. She is thrilled to be working with Her Campus this year!