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Campus Cutie: Hanako Brais

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Conn Coll chapter.

Hanako Brais is a first year of the class of 2018. Before coming to Conn she grew up in Lexington, Massachusetts. Hanako is undeclared right now, but she is thinking about either majoring in anthropology or sociology and minoring in dance or French. Like most first years, she still has time to make her decision and school isn’t her only interest here. Being involved in many campus extracurriculars is Hanako’s specialty. Hanako is multi-talented, and she partakes in several clubs. These include the a cappella group Vox, Eclipse, Dance Club, Fusion, CASA and working at the OVCS office. Hanako is very friendly and could talk to anyone. She is humble and “feels honored” to be nominated for Campus Cutie.

Hanako’s celebrity crush is the very handsome Chris Pine. But since he isn’t available she remains “single and ready to mingle.” When the time comes to mingle, Hanako’s dream date would be casual dinner date where she and her suitor can talk and get to know each other. The guy would have to pick the place because Hanako is indecisive. He would be easy to talk to and have a hobby or activity he would be passionate about.

Sometimes people’s passions are revealed on their Netflix’s accounts. Hanako’s favorite shows are Scandal and Friends. She likes switching between the two to have an intense show to watch and a light show depending on her mood. When it comes to movies her favorite is Forest Gump because it has a lot of life lessons in it.

Maroon/burgundy is the color that Hanako is most fond. When asked what her spirit animal would be, she had to get confirmation from her roommate, who stated that she would be a hedgehog. Being a dancer, Hanako listens to music a lot, but when she has a choice, she likes to listen to throwback music (some good classics from the early 90’s) Her party anthem is EDM–electronic dance music–which brings out her best dance move: swaying with a little bounce to the beat.

Most people would agree with Hanako about the arboretum being a favorite place on campus. Hanako sticks out of the crowd with her simple yet classy sense of style. She loves wearing scarves, vests and whipping out that classic jean jacket.

Hanako is a lover of food and says that “potatoes are the way to her heart.” The weirdest thing she has eaten is called a century egg or Chinese egg. She said it tasted good but probably wouldn’t eat it again. In Harris, she likes to make fancy sandwiches but not with eggs because she is allergic. If Hanako could wine and dine with a world lead she would choose the Dali Lama and would let him pick the restaurant.

Hanako’s favorite professor is Professor Bennett. Her most embarrassing moment was when she got locked out of her room after a shower. Don’t worry she got back in… eventually.

Her Campus Conn Coll