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5 Ways to Stay Healthy Before Midterms

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Conn Coll chapter.

Due to illness spreading around campus, here are a few tips on how to kick the bug and stay healthy. It’d be a shame if you caught it too, especially right before midterms, and of course, spring break!

1. Airborne
You’ve probably heard of airborne, and hopefully you’re just as in love with it as I am. Take a tablet, drop it into some water and drink away. Airborne boosts your immune system by giving you the vitamins you need. With airborne you’ll be sure to avoid a cold next time around, or at least become better protected from germs!

2. Sleep
I cannot begin to stress this enough. You need sleep! Pushing yourself to keep moving on, especially with our crazy hectic college schedules, simply is not giving your body the recovery time it needs. Don’t be afraid to take a day off or go to bed early – most professors will be very understanding of your circumstances and would prefer you to be healthy rather than attend class!
3. Avoid Touching Objects
We all know how basic objects such as railings, door knobs, or even contact with others is just a playground for germs. Seriously! Try to avoid this but touching things with your sleeves or carrying hand sanitizer. Also, try to avoid touching your face, nose, or mouth – this will obviously help prevent the spreading of germs into your body.

The best key to fight a cold is to stay hydrated. Don’t forget to bring water wherever you go, whether you’re headed to class or to the library to study. Drink water! Also, drinking anything with vitamin C, such as orange juice, can help.

5. Healthy Food
We all know how hard it is to eat healthy in college sometimes, especially with so many different food options, but remember healthy food is the key to a strong immune system! Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables as often as you can and you’ll prevent getting sick in the first place.

photocredit: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-2dAX65m7ppw/TiljmSgKmLI/AAAAAAAAAG4/7klnSBbETX…

Danielle is a sophomore at Connecticut College and is currently pursuing a double-major in International Relations and Middle Eastern Studies. Danielle began writing for the Connecticut College branch of Her Campus in the fall of 2011 and will continue to write this year as Editor and Campus Correspondent. Danielle has traveled all over the world and continues her love for other cultures and languages through her studies. Besides traveling, she loves to sing and dance - especially as a member of Miss Connduct, an all-female A capella group at Connecticut College. In general, Danielle loves sushi, goats, traveling, and Star Wars/Lord of the Rings. She is thrilled to be working with Her Campus this year!
Katherine is a senior at Connecticut College majoring in European history and minoring in film studies. She spent her last semester abroad in Rome and loved it, and then interned this summer at Marie Claire magazine in New York City. Katherine is very excited to be joining the Her Campus team!