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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Conn Coll chapter.

It’s been a crazy couple of weeks for us Connecticut College students. Between lockdowns, a growing number of positive cases, and unexpected outside visitors, it’s been easy to get lost down the rabbit hole of stress. However, there are a number of solutions to our quarantine problems. Here is a collection of tips on how to navigate quarantine on a college campus:

  1. Try Something New! 

After feeling like the doors to all things social have been slammed in your face, it’s easy to feel defeated and isolated. Rather than focusing on all the things you can’t do, I find it helpful to remind myself of all the things I can do, and all the things I can learn. Last year, I learned how to crochet, and it’s something I have become so attached to. It helps keep my hands active and my mind focused on something productive. I can watch a movie and make a hat! There are countless amazing crochet tutorials on YouTube. Try your hand at it! 

-Hannah Zevon ‘24

2. Work Outside!

Zoom class can make the days feel like they drag on when you are stuck sitting at your desk for hours on end. Thankfully, this quarantine is happening while the weather is beautiful! Grab your notebook, textbook, or laptop and attend class outside. My favorite spots are either the tables in front of Blue Camel, or one of the gazebos in the arboretum, but there are plenty of hidden gems around campus. This way you can get your work done while still getting fresh air. Plus, it allows you to feel a bit less isolated while still staying safe!

-Caitlin Boyd ‘24

3. Check-In with Friends and Family!

Quarantine can get lonely very quickly, and those short walks with friends to the dining hall or arboretum may not be able to satisfy the need for human interaction while classes are remote. I’ve been using this unplanned alone time to FaceTime and call members of my family to see how they’re doing, and to live vicariously through my friends at other universities. They’ll want to make sure you’re doing okay, so these check-ins are a productive way to pass the time. If you’re feeling creative, send a hand-written note or drawing in the mail!

-Lara Beckius ‘24

4.  Take Advantage of Free Time!

Although quarantine is an undoubtedly difficult time, it normally provides you with unanticipated free time. I suggest taking advantage of this unexpected free time to do the things that always get forgotten during your busy schedule. Personally, I love to read, but I often never find the time. During quarantine I love to pick up a book and pass the time preoccupied in another story (one without covid). Whether it’s doing laundry, going for a run, binging a Netflix show or catching up on homework, I highly recommend taking advantage of your newfound free time to do something that always tends to be at the bottom of your to-do list.

-Sarah Hennig ‘24

Lara is a senior at Connecticut College, where she is pursuing a double major in environmental studies and economics with a minor in dance. Her interests include choreography, sustainability, the performing arts, and conservation.
Caitlin Boyd

Conn Coll '24

Caitlin Boyd is a junior at Connecticut College studying neuroscience. She loves writing everything from book recs, to music reviews, to campus life experiences! If you see Caitlin around Conn, she is probably looking fascinated by the campus squirrels.
Sarah Hennig

Conn Coll '24

Sarah Hennig is a junior at Conn who loves to read and write. She enjoys hiking, traveling, and spending time with her friends.