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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Concordia CA chapter.

Do you find that you have way too many clothes, but nothing to wear? Do you want to earn some extra cash and score some trendy clothing at a low cost? Well, I have some exciting news for you. Poshmark, an online second-hand selling website, has recently opened its Canadian market. 

On Poshmark, you can sell gently used clothes, shoes, or accessories and set whatever price you choose. Once somebody purchases your item, you receive a shipping label via email, package up your item, and ship it off. The process is effortless and it’s a great way to clear out your closet. You can also earn some extra cash to buy clothes from Poshmark – a more sustainable and typically cheaper option than buying new clothes. 

Since December of 2017, I have earned $553.90 USD selling items on Poshmark. Since I’m from the United States, I’ve mostly used the American Poshmark market. I find the Canadian market a bit more difficult to navigate since it is so new and there aren’t as many users yet. 

Here are a few tips to successfully start selling on Poshmark. 




Take appealing photos

The first impression is important. The photos you take of your item, especially the cover photo, will catch potential customers’ eyes. Try to take high-quality photos with natural lighting and bright colours. You can even throw in some potential outfit ideas with the item you’re selling.  

Set a realistic price

Even if you paid a lot of money for an item, a potential customer might not want to pay the same. Set a price that you would pay given your item’s condition, date of purchase, and possibly, the brand. If it has been quite some time since you listed your item, consider lowering the price.  

Engage with other users

Sharing listings from other people’s closets won’t only increase their chances of selling, it’ll get your name out there for other people to see. The person you’re sharing from will most likely check out your closet, and possibly share one of your listings.

Make offers

Poshmark gives an option to make an offer to users who have liked your item. The offer must be below a certain price and include a shipping discount, which means your total earnings will be lower. I was skeptical to do this at first, but I have made many sales from offers I made to people who liked my items. Take advantage of this tool and offer a special price to people who have shown interest in your item. 

Write a thorough description

Like the photos, the description is extremely important. This is an opportunity to describe your item in detail. Note why you are selling it, state whether you’ll accept offers, and add any other pertinent information. I always like to include a few keywords as well, such as what style your item will appeal to or during which season you suggest wearing it.

Note every single imperfection

Make sure you note tears, stains, or any other imperfections, no matter how small. This ensures you are being completely transparent with the potential buyer and will avoid any bad reviews later on. 


Buying and selling clothes second hand is not only a sustainable alternative to fast fashion, but it can also be fun and rewarding! 


Sarah Bubenheimer

Concordia CA '22

Sarah Bubenheimer is a fourth year student at Concordia studying Philosophy, Law & Society, and Western Society & Culture. She is a Councillor for the Concordia Student Union and the Academic & Accessibility Coordinator for the Students of Philosophy Association. She is passionate about lattes, lipstick, and philosophy, and can always be found at a cafe listening to Taylor Swift. 
Kheyra King

Concordia CA '21

Kheyra King is a Montreal-born city girl studying English Literature at Concordia University. She is the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus at Concordia and the Vice President of Recruitment of Delta Phi Epsilon. She loves coffee dates, traveling and pasta. You will definitely catch her studying at the local Starbucks or Webster Library.