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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Concordia CA chapter.

This summer my mother and I had three to four hours to kill while we waited for my sister who was at an event near Old Montreal. The initial plan was to find a coffee shop, order a drink and wait there, but finding a cute spot to sip hot drinks turned into a mini expedition throughout the city.

The area has always been one of my favourites. With its narrow cobblestone streets, quaint shops and old buildings, this part of town always makes me feel like I stepped into a European city.

Our first find was La Tour de la Bourse near Square-Victoria. It’s full of office spaces, but coming up from the underground tunnels, you find yourself in a small mall. Despite looking expensive, it’s a place that someone could easily spend hours hanging out at. Between a building that looks English and a fountain that belongs in a piazza, Montreal felt like it was across the Atlantic from where I was.

After a pit stop at the entrance of the Square-Victoria metro station, we headed to the Notre-Dame Basilica (near Place D’Armes metro). The entrance fee was a tad pricey $6, but the inside was beautiful. They also hold tours for those who want a more thorough experience and knowledge of the basilica.

When we left Notre-Dame, we realized that we had already spent hours out, and we had to head back. We took Saint-Paul Street heading west, and stumbled upon the cutest little shop. Seafoam green frames, dangling fairy lights, potted flowers by the window, and a hanging sign that read “since 1822,” lured me into Le Petit Dep.

We finally grabbed a creamy latte—freshly ground Colombian beans—no need for sweetener, it was that good. If you’re wandering around Old Montreal, I strongly suggest you stop by. If you’re looking to grab a bite to eat, you have your options here: pastries, lunch, snacks, and in the summer, homemade ice cream. It was really a treat to discover.

Le Petit Dep doesn’t have an official website, but it does have a Facebook. More information can be found here


Amanda is a Journalism and Creative Writing major at Concordia University in Montreal. Writing has been her passion for as long as she can remember, and is the reason why she's been pursuing it throughout her University career. She has been working on a novel-length story since high school that she hopes to one day publish. Journalism pricked her interest in her last year of high school when she took an optional class. Amanda joined a group in class, and they had to make a plan for a contest on how they would document the humanitarian work in Peru. They won first place, and had the chance of traveling to a small community in Peru where they had the chance to interview and meet volunteers and citizens. It was at that moment that Amanda knew what she wanted to do in life. 
Krystal Carty

Concordia CA '19

Krystal Carty is a second year journalism student and the founding member of the Concordia chapter of Her Campus. Her interests include drinking copious amounts of caffeine and spending as much time with her adorable rescue dog as possible. Krystal has a degree in sarcasm and a love for all things pop culture.