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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Concordia CA chapter.

2020 is not just a new year but a new decade. Over the last five years, I went through many ups and downs and my life changed completely. This year has brought a lot of hope in my life and I want to achieve these five things to get even better.


Build Skill Set

Over time, I have realized that grades are not the most important part of a successful university career. Building skillset is very important especially to get a job after graduation. I want to achieve certificates in my field of studies and interest. On average it takes about six  months to complete one certificate. It will be challenging to complete the certificates while working and taking four  classes during an academic semester. However, I want to achieve it to add value to my career profile and become credible for getting a job.

Travel to a new place

During the last two  years, I have been busy with school and work, and haven’t had time to travel or go on a vacation. The last time I went on a vacation outside of North America was in 2013. I went to visit Paris with my family. I remember shopping and touring around central Paris a lot. I got to visit french cafes, and experience the culture there. My experience from travelling to Paris allowed me to learn more about the french culture. I think it is important to learn about new cultures, meet new people, try new things, and take time off.  This new year, I want to visit the Dominican Republic and rest in a place with beautiful beaches and warm weather. 

Revisit my old friends

Over the last six years, I have moved to four cities for educational  purposes. It was difficult to leave my friends, who I became attached to. Ever since I moved to Montreal, I have lost touch with most of them. With school and work, I don’t get time to speak with friends a lot. Also, most of my friends moved to different cities to start university. This year I want to revisit my old friends to catch up and reconnect with them.  

Learn to bake

One of the things I want to learn this year is how to bake. Since I am vegan, it’s difficult to find vegan bakeries and places in Montreal. It’s also expensive to eat at vegan places here. There are many videos available on YouTube to learn how to bake vegan food. One of my favourite Youtube channels for learning to bake vegan food is Pickup Limes.  It doesn’t take long to watch them, and they are well explained. I often crave brownies and cookies and I want to learn how to bake them. Recently, I have been getting invites to potlucks and learning to bake vegan food will be helpful. 

Get fit and become healthy

For a few years, I have lost my fitness routine. I used to do yoga and pilates every day to stay active and fit. I followed the YouTuber Cassy Ho’s exercise routine, which includes; full-body workout, Pilates for abdominal muscles and waist. I enjoyed doing these exercises and found them very effective for my body. Working out helped me deal with stress and remain focused. Due to stress from school and work, I stopped working out. Now, I want to get back into my routine to be fit and healthy this year.  

Yashaswi Vig

Concordia CA '21

Yashaswi is currently a student at Concordia University. She moved to Canada at the age of 14 to Ontario, started off her University in Nova Scotia and is currently living in Montreal. She is very adventurous and loves to travel!
Kheyra King

Concordia CA '21

Kheyra King is a Montreal-born city girl studying English Literature at Concordia University. She is the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus at Concordia and the Vice President of Recruitment of Delta Phi Epsilon. She loves coffee dates, traveling and pasta. You will definitely catch her studying at the local Starbucks or Webster Library.