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Spring Cleaning: Un-cluttering and De-stressing

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Chicago chapter.

Just around the start of March we start feeling a little restless. Midterms are over, the temps are getting warmer and it’s starting to stay lighter out for longer (thank you, Daylight Savings Time). As it becomes increasingly harder to focus, this might be the most opportune time to finally clear some space both physically and mentally. Cleaning can be relaxing, even therapeutic, and it can sure make us feel like new again. 

If you have 30 minutes…
The easiest way to breathe a sigh of relief and feel somewhat organized without having a load of time on your hands is organizing your digital space. Clearing out your email inbox, deleting old files and categorizing new ones can help you stay on track for the remainder of the semester and will seriously make you feel so much better once your inbox is down from 431 unread emails and when you can actually see your desktop again.  

If you have two hours…
Haven’t seen your bedroom floor in two months? Instead of doing the usual pick-it-up-and-throw-it-in-the-closet routine, consider going through your clothes and getting rid of the items you no longer wear. Places like Buffalo Exchange, Crossroads and local consignment shops will actually pay you for your gently used clothes, especially if it’s in season and still in style. Whatever these stores don’t buy, make sure to drop by the nearest donation center on your way home or hold a clothing swap with your friends!  

If you have all day…
Though it might seem like picking up your things and putting them back where they belong makes everything look good on the surface, don’t forget about what’s not visible to the eye. Nothing feels more satisfying than having crisp and clean sheets, a sparkling bathroom and a dust-free apartment (or dorm, whatever the case might be) at the end of the day. Finally catching up with the dishes, wiping down the counters and sweeping and mopping makes all the difference even if you can’t see the results.  


Mariah Craddick hails from the city of Atlanta and is currently a magazine journalism major at Columbia College of Chicago. Though she has a wide range of interests, her concentration and focus lies in fashion, art and entertainment. In addition to writing for HC, Mariah is also a contributing writer for the online lifestyle magazine GlossMagazineOnline. Upon graduation in 2013, Mariah hopes to pursue a career in magazine journalism and maybe even law school.