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The Benefits of Pinterest

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Chicago chapter.

During Spring Break I had a lot of time on my hands. Well, I allowed myself to have a lot of free time. Anyway, I decided to catch up with my Pinterest account. I’ve had it for a while, but I avoided it during school because it was so easy to get distracted with it. While I was on the website I found a plethora of recipes, style ideas, craft ideas and nail designs to try out that I never would have thought of.  

In college, you sometimes have to get crafty. With Pinterest, a collegiette is able to be crafty on a budget, depending on what she wants to do. For example, I tried out a nail design I found on Pinterest all for the cost of nothing. There are food ideas on there that leave me salivating and interior design ideas that make me think of what I want my future home to look like (something I would have otherwise never thought of).

While some like to compare it Tumblr, Pinterest is completely different to me. I think everyone should give it a try; it’s definitely more than a social networking site. 

Find out more about Pinterest here!
Photo credit: pinterest.com

Mariah Craddick hails from the city of Atlanta and is currently a magazine journalism major at Columbia College of Chicago. Though she has a wide range of interests, her concentration and focus lies in fashion, art and entertainment. In addition to writing for HC, Mariah is also a contributing writer for the online lifestyle magazine GlossMagazineOnline. Upon graduation in 2013, Mariah hopes to pursue a career in magazine journalism and maybe even law school.