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You Snooze, You Lose

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.

Gone are the days of sleeping until noon, and so it’s back to reality! As the new semester starts, so does a new sleep schedule. Given the flexibility present during break, it may be especially tempting to hit the snooze button one or two or seven times when that first dreaded alarm goes off on Tuesday morning, but beware!

Researchers say that teens need at least 9 hours of sleep a night and adults need 7-8 hours a night… what a joke, right? I know that I definitely won’t be getting 9 hours of sleep a night and I’m guessing that most of you aren’t either, so be sure that the sleep you get counts!
Because the last hour or so before you wake up is when you should be in your longest period of REM sleep, the time of night when you dream the most, constantly interrupting this period of sleep by hitting the alarm button will make you drowsy throughout the day. This will cause you to be less productive—definitely not what a busy collegiate needs!
As difficult as it is to wake up sometimes for that early class, think twice about hitting the alarm clock given these effects.  Instead, try to keep a regular schedule (even if your classes start at different times during the week) and always, always have a healthy breakfast. Who knows, maybe you’ll even be able to carry these great habits into exam season! 


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Giselle Boresta

Columbia Barnard

Giselle, Class of 2014 at Barnard College, is an Economics major with a minor in French. She was born in New York City, grew up in Ridgewood, NJ, and is excited to be back in her true hometown of New York City. She likes the Jersey Shore (the actual beach, not the show) and seeing something crazy in New York every day!