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Welcome to the (Concrete) Jungle: CU Life Hacks

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.

Let’s be real. Life as a CU student isn’t easy. Whether its finding a a place to do your overwhelming hours of homework or the search for the golden ratio of edible to affordable food on campus, simple daily challenges just aren’t fun when you’ve gotten four hours of sleep and paid $4 for coffee at Joe. Thus, we at Her Campus Barnard are here to give you a few hacks to make your life a bit easier so that you have time to focus on what really matters, aka: watching Netflix in your bed.

1. Go to the Diana at noon.


Who doesn’t love a Diana flatbread pizza? (If you don’t, please let me know in the comments because I’ve literally never met anyone) Tragically for everyone who loves carbs, cheese, and staying low-cal, the lunch rush line is enough to induce a panic attack and cutting here will result in a much more dramatic outburst than it will outside of Bernheim. Here’s the secret: for some mysterious reason I have yet to understand, skinny and well-dressed girls simply don’t eat before 1:00 PM. Get in line at noon and I promise you’ll wait less than ten minutes.


2. Befriend an aspiring DJ.



There are more of these here than you think. Take a closer look and you’ll find that they’re all over campus — in your favorite frat, your core classes, and probably even on your dorm floor. Befriend one and someone wearing huge headphones will suddenly start bringing massive speakers to your pregames! Never again worry about keeping your spotify pregame playlist up to date or whether your bluetooth speaker is connecting to your phone because they’ve got you covered.      


3. Free snacks at Westside.



Grocery shopping is kind of the worst. It makes you hungry and always ends up costing more than you expected. At Westside Market, free pita bread and hummus samplers by the far left checkout make it all worth it. Eating free food while waiting in line might even make you forget how much you’re paying for those avocados. 


4. Go to the Music or Divinity Libraries during midterms and finals.


Finding a spot in Butler can be more cutthroat than getting into that celebrity DJ set at Up & Down…or getting into Barnard and Columbia. Weaving through tables of working/crying/sleeping students is a lengthy and depressing process that usually ends in Butler Cafe with nothing but a mediocre banana nut muffin or six hour old sushi to reward yourself for your efforts. Instead, head to the divinity library on 121st Street or the music library at the top of Dodge. You’ll find a plethora of empty seats with easily accessible outlets! Proof that finals stress dreams really do come true. 


5. Final life hack: go to state school ¯\_(ツ)_/¯