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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.

Whether or not you have romantic plans for Valentine’s Day, the holiday is still the perfect opportunity to try out new (and perhaps seasonally-appropriate) makeup looks. Here are a few of our favorites (and spins on old classics) you can give a go!


Berry lips

Red lips are lovely, but why not go a route less traveled (but equally romantic)? We love berry lipsticks for the big day or night.


Gold shimmer shadow

Too much here is definitely too much, but a touch of shimmery gold shadow can light up your face.


Hair up!

Draw even more attention to your face and bone structure by pulling your hair back – and a fast updo or pony can look good quickly with a just little styling!


False eyelashes

For those of us who like a little more glamour: false eyelashes instantly dress up your makeup.


Special cat-eye eyeliner

Try a new twist on an old favorite with a double-tailed cateye (probably best for the more experienced).