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Valentine’s Day Lingerie Guide

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.


In honor of Valentines Day, I’ve chosen to grace you (have been prompted to grace you) with a personal list of style dos. The don’ts are up to your discretion cause who knows these days #amiright. So, I present to you a post that applies to all you single ladies (whaddup, Bey) and also I guess not-so-single ladies: a selection of v-day, and universally, approp style options sure to make tonight one to remember.

The boyf or girlf.

Keeping it low-key these days? Think again – nobody likes a quitter.


The consistent hookup.

You’re cool and casual. Matching optional, and probably unnecessary at this point. You’re getting it in.



That guy/girl you sometimes hook up with if you’re like out.

Oops, you’re put together and hot just like all the time? You “didn’t plan it” but you’re just cute like that.


The “just in case”

You woke up like this. You’re sexy, fun, and perpetually ready to bring it. Haters gonna hate.





You’re not actively tryna. But you’re down, you guess.




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Talia Weisner

Columbia Barnard

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Liana Gergely

Columbia Barnard