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The Ultimate Guide to Euphoria Season 2

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.

If you’re like me, you’ve been centering your week around being free at 9pm on Sundays just so you can furiously refresh your HBO account for the new Euphoria episode. In case you missed it, Euphoria is back with its sophomore season, and it’s already got viewers hooked. One thing about Euphoria is that it’s never lacking in the storyline department. As one article writes, it’s got so many storylines and genres blended together, that you never quite know where it’s headed. If you’re unsure of what’s going on, allow me to fill you in. Here is the definitive guide to what will happen in the coming weeks.

lexi howard

Let’s kick it off with Lexi, arguably the sanest student at East Highland. Though we saw far too little of her in season 1, there seems to be a lot of promise for her storyline in season 2. It’s pretty much accepted that she and Fezco will date (thanks to Maude Apatow alluding to their romance during an interview). In addition to this budding romance though, season 2 Lexi will be about stepping out of the shadow. 

Drama-wise, she and Cassie will be at odds (we’ve already seen them butt heads slightly over the Nate vs. Fez drama). 

maddy perez

First off, Maddy is definitely going to find out about Cassie and Nate. My gut reaction tells me the big reveal is coming soon. And while there’s definitely going to be a bit of back and forth between the three of them, it does seem likely that Maddy can pull away from all that nonsense and leave Nate (and possibly Cassie) in the past. 

Again, there’s bound to be drama because she most likely still has the incriminating tape she stole from Nate. That being said, one of the biggest beacons of hope for Maddie is her developing friendship with Jules. It’s very possible she gives the tape back to Jules directly to do whatever she wants with it. How will this impact their friendship? Only time will tell.  

rue bennett

What exactly is going to happen with Rue? In episode 3, she hatches a plan to start selling drugs. As she leaves, Laurie threatens her. Visibly shaken, Rue still heads out with her drugs in tow. This can’t be good, and something is almost guaranteed to go wrong. 

Jules vaughn

eems to be some drama between Rue, Jules, and Elliot. Episode 3 left us with a scene of Jules and Elliot talking, almost flirting. Is it possible there’s something there? 

nate jacobs

Ugh, not going to lie, I’m manifesting that they kill Nate off (may or may not have been hoping episode 2 was the end of the road for him). If you’ve been keeping up to date, you know that he and Cassie have been hooking up.  


Kat’s season 2 storyline seems to be all about expectations versus reality. In a social media-driven world where everything is FaceTuned and filtered, Kat represents the teenager just trying to sift through all the nonsense to some level of identity and self-realization. Not only was this struggle seen with her season 1 cam-girl storyline, but we’re also seeing a continuation through her relationship with Ethan. 

In season 1, she and Ethan getting together was pretty much the goal. For Kat, the season finale pretty much mirrored the typical romance trope of happily-ever-after, but peel back the layers and see what happens after the closing credits, and you get season 2 Kat and Ethan. 


Much like Kat, season 1 left Cassie on a hopeful note. Yes, she went through a lot (like, a lot) in the first season, it ended with her proclaiming independence and her desire to be single for the next four years. Fast forward to season 2, and Cassie’s seemingly hooking up with Nate. While her character has become pretty controversial (you either love her or hate her), it’s pretty fair to say that this won’t end well. Season 2 will probably parallel Cassie’s season 1 arc but leave her changed. Essentially, while she’ll probably end whatever’s going on with Nate and once again declare singledom much like season 1 Cassie, she’s going to be much further along emotionally. 

Then again, this is all just conjecture, and no one (not even me, I know) can tell where the story is headed. I guess that means we’ll all just have to keep tuning in every Sunday and theorizing on TikTok.

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Ruby Zeidman

Columbia Barnard '24

Ruby is a sophomore at Barnard College. Although she's currently undeclared, she loves to write and is an avid reader. She enjoys running, spending too much on iced coffee, and exploring NYC.