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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.

Name: Sydney Bronstein

Hometown: Chicago, IL

School/Year: Barnard College ‘17

Major: Human Rights and Political Science

What are three things we should know about you?

1) I have three brothers. They are my best friends. All of their names start with the letter “J”. One of them is a freshman at Columbia!

2) My spirit animal is definitely an eagle. 

3) If Lena Dunham doesn’t speak at my graduation, I’m going to throw an absolute fit. She is everything—and the reason I am at Barnard.

Tell us a little bit about what you do on campus:

In a nutshell, I read the New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander and conduct one-person bagel taste tests between Absolute and Nussbaum. Anyone can join! I’m usually in the Diana. 

What are the qualities you look for in a mate:

Someone who likes spicy tuna rolls and foreign documentaries. In other words, they have to have substance and a sense of purpose.

Describe your dream date:

In an ideal situation, we wouldn’t have to fill awkward space with trivial words and small talk. Instead, he would read me the love sonnets he wrote for me.

Celebrity Crush:

James Franco and Ashton Kutcher. Can’t choose. Won’t choose.

Best and Worst Pick Up Lines You’ve Ever Heard:

I usually walk away if I feel any sort of pick up line in the works.

Signature dance move:

You’ll have to come and see me at Cannons tearing up the dance floor.

New York’s hottest club is…

Mehanata. Look it up!

Best Brunch in Mo’Hi:

Community because let’s be honest there is nowhere else.

Favorite Disney Channel Original Movie:

Get a Clue with Lindsey Lohan…It’s riveting!

Best class you’ve ever taken at Columbia/Barnard:

Contemporary American Jewish Women Writers—it’s a freakin’ gem! Professor Klepfisz embodies everything that I love about being a Barnard Woman.

Twilight or Harry Potter:

Neither. I don’t like child’s play.

Three things you want to do before you graduate:

1) See Woody Allen perform at Café Carlyle one very special Monday evening.

2) Eat the Chicken and Waffles from Sweet Chick in Williamsburg.

3) Get into law school.