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Steve Boyle: Romantic Villa in Italy, Anyone?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.

Name: Steve Boyle

Class Year: 2014

Major: Operations Research (Econ Minor)

Hometown: Cincinnati, OH

Relationship Status: Single

On-Campus Activities: Varsity Lightweight Crew, SigEp, Glee Club, Lion Fund

Off-Campus Activities: Morningside Village Volunteering

3 words to describe yourself: Lighthearted, Genuine and Ambitious.

Best part about being a Columbia student: Living in the city by far. It’s hard to beat a maximum 10 minute walking distance to most anywhere on campus. At the same time, you get that separated college feel while being surrounded by the best city in the world.

Biggest turn-ons: Self-confidence, elegance, and a winning smile. It’s hard to put in words, but a girl that carries herself with poise is extremely attractive.

Biggest turn-offs: Ignorance and immaturity. I don’t like when I can’t have an intelligent conversation with a girl.

If you could be reborn as anyone: Elvis hands down. Killing it in the 50’s and 60’s as a rockstar? Probably doesn’t get much better.

Ten years from now, where do you see yourself: If I’m ever able to shake my addiction the city, definitely settled down with someone special in a seaside villa in Sicily.