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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.

Happy #TGIT, Her Campus Barnard readers! Here are our reactions to the best three hours a week on television.


When Shonda inserts a totally out of context five minute monologue on misogyny and/or race in America, but you can’t even hate because it’s not like the plot was realistic/made sense anyway


When Annalise’s baby is fake


When Annalise comes on to Wes


When Shonda throws Oliver a line

When Bonnie is sad


When Frank does something illegal but his face looks good


When Frank annoyingly lavishes all his good italian loving on Laurel


When Olivia Pope makes business casual her bitch

When Olivia says “it’s handled”


When a flashback is unnecessary 


When a flashback is hella necessary


Staring at Shonda-approved abs like


When Asher reminds you of the frat guy you mistakenly hooked up with freshman year


When a white man makes an impassioned speech

Groundbreaking gay sex on television


When someone who you want to be shirtless, is shirtless


When two people who you don’t want to have sex, have sex


When an actor wants to quit after devoting 5+ years of their life to ShondaLand so Shonda murders their character in an extremely unnecessary and grotesque fashion 


When you finish an episode and realize that you have absolutely no idea what just happened