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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.

Don’t sweat the small stuff. Here’s a comprehensive list of things that really mattered freshman year, but don’t really matter anymore to two SWUGS like us. 

Going to/Getting into Mel’s

Waiting in the Mel’s line used to be our favorite activity. Wait, scratch that; waiting in the Mel’s BATHROOM line used to be our favorite activity. You never knew who you would see! A weekend used to seem incomplete without drinking a classic vodka cranberry in front of those bright lights, but now we can barely get ourselves to go to 1020.

Choosing a Dining Hall

Should we ensure the Ferris pasta line? Should we hit up John Jay for some mediocre frozen yogurt? Should we eat greasy food at JJs even though it’ll make our stomachs hurt? (RIP to Barnard’s JJs swipe access). Or should we just call it a draw and eat at Hewitt? Long gone are the days of those kinds of questions. Now, we’ll probably just make ourselves some eggs because we wouldn’t touch a dining hall with a ten foot pole. (Well, unless we can get someone to swipe us into JJ’s–if you’re reading this and have extra swipes hit us up.)


What’s your lottery number? Do you want a single? Who are you going to live with? Seeing everyone freak out about housing made us nostalgic for about a minute, but then we were like, “Ah, yes, the joy of not having to go through the housing process where so many friendships go to die.”

Summer Internships

Technically, this issue still exists, as we are currently on the job hunt. But looking back, we can’t help but ask ourselves, “Did any of those internships even matter?” In the long run, probably yes, but, either way, we’re glad that we’ll never have to be referred to as ‘the intern’ ever again and hope to be making more than a below minimum wage stipend.