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Missing Liam? Dive Into My Top Songs He Penned for the Group!

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.

Sitting in my Introduction to Buddhism discussion section, I was doing my usual procrastination scrolls on my laptop when my MacBook suddenly dinged with a text from a close friend saying, “Checking on you, I heard Liam done died,” which, yes, is the verbatim message. At first, I thought she might have sent the text message to the wrong person and then it clicked—she meant Liam Payne. The Liam Payne from one of my most beloved music groups of all time, and especially from my childhood years, One Direction. The large gasp I made in that moment cannot be underestimated. 

Of course I remained as collected as possible, but at my dorm that night, along with the constant notifications of friends and family checking in on me, One Direction was on repeat endlessly that night and most of the nights since the news broke. Every song from their discography has been played more than a few times respectively, and in a personal commemoration of Liam, I figured it’d be appropriate to list my personal top five songs that he wrote for the band. To all the directioners reading this, I hope this list brings back memories and reminds you of everything we love about Liam and One Direction.

5) Fireproof from FOUR

Liam Payne co-wrote this song with band member Louis Tomlinson, a completely necessary duo that shaped a large portion of One Direction’s sound, especially in their third album and after. The melodies and harmonies the band show-off in this song over the chilled, carefree-almost beat make it the perfect song to listen to on a walk on campus or just studying. In the band’s discography, this is one of their most sweet-sounding songs and a beautiful representation of the writing abilities of Liam and Louis with lyrics centering on the passionate connection and unbreakable bond between two lovers.  

4) Little White Lies from Midnight Memories 

The almost acapella-like introduction to this song is one of my favorite things about it. Artists breaking down songs in such a way before the beat fully dropping, is an especially favorite technique for me because it gives the vocals a chance to shine on their own, building anticipation for the rest of the track. To me, this track feels like a headbanger and a hip-swinging song with its pop-rock sound that is commonly favored amongst the group’s fanbase. If you enjoy songs with a strong presence of synthesizers and percussion—this song has that covered. 

3) Summer Love from Take Me Home

Take Me Home is One Direction’s best album. You could call it an unpopular opinion, but it’s actually just facts. Just take my word for it. This album is filled with the quintessential essence of what pop music is all about—fun, upbeat belt singing-inducing, danceable tempos, catchy lyrics. It’s this reason that Summer Love sticks out to me amongst all the songs, and has a rightful place as one of my most favorite One Direction songs in general. Liam co-wrote this song amongst his band members and industry songwriters, and it’s one of the more sweet, slow-paced, melancholy-feel yet sadly beautiful songs on the album. Summer Love is about exactly what the title suggests—a relationship born during the summer that comes to an end along with the season as one person, whom the boys are singing to, must leave, thus ending the romance. Listening to this song feels like being in a romcom at the point in the plot where the two main love interests are pulled apart by life’s twists.

2) What A Feeling from Made in the A.M.

As a warning, the statement that I am about to make, I will receive absolutely no pushback, not sorry! What A Feeling is undeniably one of One Direction’s best tracks of all time—I’d say top two—and, of course, the dynamic duo, Liam Payne and Louis Tomlinson, co-wrote this piece for the band. The song has such a nostalgic, dream-like feel: almost as if it’s something you’d find playing over your mind as you’re racking your brain for happy memories to recount. Whenever this song plays, I just envision myself swaying in a top-down convertible driving past a view of the beach, it’s just that beautiful of a sound. What A Feeling embodies the band’s growth in their fifth (and hopefully not final… let me dream) album, as it is a completely different sound for them—less pop-sounding, venturing into a disco vibe, and more reminiscent of oldies sound you’d hear from Fleetwood Mac. The best part of this song is Liam’s second verse, particularly the way he delivers the lines “imaginin’ you’re mine” and “am I runnin’ out of time?” His pitch fluctuates from high to low to high again, and the tone of his voice is so incredibly rich that by the time I finish the song, I have replayed that part a minimum of one million times. 

1) Right Now from Midnight Memories 

Daring to speak for the entire fandom, I’d venture to say that out of all the group’s discography, this song holds a particularly sentimental place for everyone—especially due to the San Siro show during the band’s Where We Are Tour in 2014, where the fans in the arena engaged in a project displaying the words “We are 1D Family” with colored signs placed strategically to represent the colors of both the English and Irish flags. This song is unfortunately incredibly relevant in light of the news of Liam Payne’s passing, as its message revolves around wishing for someone who isn’t with you in the moment and remembering them fondly. Such a poignant song that encompasses how, yes fans, but more importantly his son, Bear, and his family and loved ones he left behind undoubtedly feel in this current moment.

Songs like these make it easy to keep him close, allowing us to hold onto the moments he gave us through his music. Every track is a reminder of his talent and the impact he had on our lives. As Directioners continue to listen, Liam’s presence remains with us, forever a part of the soundtrack to our memories.

Jada Washington

Columbia Barnard '25

Jada Washington is a senior from Columbia, South Carolina studying English and Political Science at Barnard College and a Staff Writer for Columbia/Barnard’s Her Campus chapter. She enjoys going to concerts, crafting Pinterest boards, writing, watching video essays, small coastal towns, and hanging out with loved ones.