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Midterm Butler Style (Cozy Yet Put Together)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.


As the season of never-ending midterms continues, we’re all spending countless hours at Mel’s, oops that was my inner desire speaking, I mean Butler. All joking aside, Butler does have something in common with Mel’s, and it’s not the jugs of beer. Butler is just as much of a social scene as Mel’s is. While you’re obviously not trying to sip on a vodka cran in Butler (or maybe you are. Keep doing you), you’re still bound to see the same people and stay out until 4 a.m. The land of all-nighters and caffeine overloads could be the very place where you see that guy you were flirting with last weekend, and you don’t want to look like a library troll. I’m not saying you should dress like you would on a Saturday night; however, there are always those intimidating fashionistas who look like they’re making a celebrity appearance at a club later. You still want to be comfortable, but not frumpy. Here are a few tips for your perfect midterm Butler style, or as I like to call it Butler Chic.

         1. Put just the right amount of effort in. You want to try, but you don’t want to look like you’re trying too hard. Also between studying and checking your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, and personal blog, you probably won’t have time to put that much of an effort in, and that’s just fine! You don’t need to look like you’re ready for a night out on the town, and it’s actually discouraged. There’s no reason to wear cocktail dresses, aggressively low-cut blouses, any bodycon, or anything that could pass at a club downtown, including heels. Please, no heels. They clack down the echoing hallways, and you’ll probably want to take them off at your library campsite. To avoid this, just stick to boots or flats.

         2. Wear layers! Trying to predict the climate in Butler is like trying to predict how long the line for pizza will be at the Diana café. You walk into one room, and Nelly lyrics are running through your head to take off all your clothes, but in the next room, seat heaters should be installed. In this situation, wearing layers can be your best friend. You can wear a light shirt, or blouse if you’re feeling up for the challenge, with cozy sweaters, jackets, and scarves that can be peeled off. They’ll keep you warm as you’re walking to and from butler and sitting in 209’s frigid conditions, but also give you the option to remove them. 

         3. Leggings! Leggings are acceptable to a certain degree. They’ll keep you comfortable because you basically won’t feel them, but that doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t provide coverage, full coverage. Watch out for those thin, see-through leggings. While they may draw attention, it’s not the right kind of attention. Your underwear shouldn’t show through your leggings as you walk the halls of Butler, or anywhere for that matter. See-through leggings just aren’t practical, and they should be avoided. With that being said, feel free to wear leggings with full coverage! They’re like a stylish form of sweatpants that the plastics in Mean Girls would totally accept on days other than just Fridays.

         4. Back to the backpack. While backpacks may not be the most chic bag, they’re the most practical. When you’re lugging around your textbooks, computer, charger, and wallet, all while trying to sneak in that Westside salad, a backpack is so much easier. If you’re anything like me, you have a specific anxiety that everything will fall out of your tote, but with a backpack, you won’t have to worry about that. Also with a backpack, you won’t have to constantly switch shoulders in an effort to avoid severe shoulder and back pains. Backpacks are wonderful. That’s all.

         With midterms continuing and finals just around the corner, you’ll have many opportunities to perfect your personal Butler Chic style. Even though you’ll be slaving away at the library, you’ll not only be comfortable but also stylish. And on the bright side, when you’re finished studying at night, you’ll look cute enough to go out, backpack and all. 

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Laura Otsu

Columbia Barnard