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Meet the Team: Writer Lizzie Karpen

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.

School & Class: Barnard 2022

Major: Political Science and Economics

Hometown: New York, NY

1. Tell me a little about yourself. Are you involved with anything on or off campus?

Besides writing for Her Campus, I am a sports writer for the Columbia Spectator, an editor for the Journal of Politics and Society, and on Model UN. I also sing in a choir, Zamir Noded off campus. I like to keep myself busy.

2. What do you think Her Campus Media stands for?

I think Her Campus is an outlet which allows college students to share their passions with the world. It is made by women, for women, which makes it so significant in today’s society.

3. Why did you choose Columbia or Barnard?

When I was looking at colleges, everyone told me that Barnard was the school that I was meant to go to. I, on the other hand, swore I was going to leave the city. However, when I came to Barnard for accepted students’ weekend, I couldn’t help but fall in love with the environment of support and the strong women Barnard created. Barnard is the school where I thought could make me into the best version of myself, and I am so grateful that I decided to come here.

4. What inspires you to write?

I really don’t know what inspires me to write, but sometimes, I just get an idea and feel the pull to write it. This has led for some really odd content, but I think it has allowed me to begin to understand myself a lot better.

5. What are you passionate about?

I am passionate about feminism, journalism, books, and trashy teen television.

6. What positive changes do you want to see in the college/university?:

I think that there needs to be better dining options across campus. It is really hard to find kosher/halal food, and what there is, is the same every day. It’s really hard to be with a dietary restriction when what is given to you is hard to eat. I don’t know how many more days I can eat scrambled eggs without going crazy.

7. Who is your role model?

This is so cliche, but my mother is honestly my role model. She’s a woman who works full time as a doctor and raised two children, never missing a single parent teacher conference or event. I wish to have the passion and strength that she carries every single day.

8. If you could make you one change in the world, what would it be and why?

I wish there was less polarization in the country. It is becoming increasing more hard to discuss with people with differing ideas, and the gap is growing. There needs to be a way to bring us back together as Americans.

9. What are you most looking forward to during winter break?

I’m excited to spend the time with my friends and family and get more sleep. I need a lot more sleep.

Elizabeth Karpen

Columbia Barnard '22

Lizzie Karpen is 2022 graduate of Barnard College, the most fuego of women’s colleges, who studied Political Science and English with a concentrations in Film and American Literature. To argue with her very unpopular opinions, send her a message at @lizziekarpen on Instagram and Twitter. To read her other work, check out Elizabethkarpen.com.