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Little Update, Big Apple: First Week Jitters

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.

As we all begin to settle into our homes for the next few months, it’s natural to have what I like to call “first semester freshman jitters.” I am now going into my sixth semester and yet I still can’t get rid of that anxious feeling when starting school again. It’s almost as if I’m starting anew every time. So, here is my not so exhaustive list on what to expect upon arriving back at school.

1. Can I do it all again? I feel this way at the start of every semester. Will I be able to keep up with my work, extracurricular activities, AND still hold on to that tiny bit of a social life that would be considered non-existent at any other university?

2. How many times will my schedule change within the first week? Answer: the limit does not exist.

3. Am I doing enough? Six semesters later and I still haven’t learned my lesson. I still wonder if I should sign up for another club or acquire an internship.

4. Where on earth are my classes? So hard to let go of the previous semester and always takes me at least two weeks to get used to the new one.

5. When will the butterflies finally disappear? For me it sometimes can take a week, even two weeks, but I now realize that it’s okay. If I’ve learned anything over the past six semesters, it’s that those feelings are normal and will ALWAYS disappear.

So relax, take a deep breath, and best of luck! Go get ’em.