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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.

Astrology can be helpful in a lot of different ways. It can help us understand ourselves and the people around us, figure out how compatible we are with our crushes, and even help us study better. The answer to what might work best for you when it comes to learning or studying can be found right in your birth chart, in your Mercury sign specifically. Mercury is the planet of communication and intellect, and by understanding what sign is in Mercury, we can figure out what the best study method might be for you. 

To find out what your Mercury sign is, go to an astrology website like astro.com (my personal favorite), input your birthday, time, and place. From there, you can figure out what your Mercury sign is and apply it to the list below. Happy studying!

Mercury in Aries

Aries Mercuries are quick decision-makers, and their fiery energy can make them come off as a bit impulsive. When they learn, they generally grasp the broad concepts instead of focusing too intently on all of the details. Sometimes that means they can miss key terms or ideas because they think they are irrelevant. When it comes to studying, Aries Mercuries should zoom in on some of these little details they had initially overlooked. They likely have a good understanding of the big ideas, but they should remember how important some of the smaller details are, too!

Mercury in Taurus

Taurus Mercuries are very grounded, focused individuals. They take their time when it comes to deliberation and communication, and are very self-assured in the things they say. They may be less inclined to study abstract concepts and prefer to learn about things they can apply to their own lives. If you’re a Taurus Mercury and you’re taking any classes that you feel like don’t “apply” to the real world, spend some extra time studying for those finals. You likely have a good understanding of your more practical classes, but the others should not go ignored. They still have things to teach you, even if you can’t apply it directly to your life! 

Mercury in Gemini

Gemini is ruled by Mercury, so this sign is right at home in this planet. Gemini Mercuries know a lot about everything. They have so many interests it can be hard for them to keep track of them. If you’re a Gemini Mercury, you’re likely already great at memorization; your brain seemingly has a lot of storage for little thoughts and details about what you’re interested in. When it comes to studying for finals this year, try to concentrate on more of the big concepts that you might have missed when studying the little details. Put some extra work in understanding how all the little things you know connect to each other. 

Mercury in Cancer

Cancer Mercuries communicate largely with their emotions and feelings. They are very personal people. They are good at picking up on how the people around them are feeling and changing the way they communicate accordingly. Cancer Mercuries have great memories, so learning new information comes very easy to them. But they have to be emotionally balanced to be able to successfully retain ideas. This finals season, it’s a good idea for Cancer Mercuries to put emphasis on self-care, and make sure they’re in the right mindset to study before they sit down and do it. Get plenty of sleep and give yourself time to take a break every once and a while!

Mercury in Leo 

Leo Mercuries are very authoritative and prideful when they communicate. Sometimes they can come off as know-it-alls, but that’s just because they’re self-assured and confident in their beliefs. Similar to Aries Mercuries, they can get bored with little details and are good at seeing things in the big picture. They can also let their egos get in the way when people try to give them criticism, and that means they sometimes ignore even valid criticism. For this finals season, Leo Mercuries should pay attention to the advice of their friends and professors, and remember that while confidence is definitely a good thing, there is always more to study up on!

Mercury in Virgo

Mercury also rules Virgo, so this is another very natural placement. They’re generally very intelligent and very, very organized. It’s a bit of a cliche how organized Virgos are, in fact, in their home planet that attention to detail is further emphasized. Virgo Mercuries likely already have a study plan, but might find themselves struggling to sit down and actually do the studying. Virgo Mercuries should try not to get swept up in planning to study and should instead use that time to actually study! ​

Mercury in Libra

Libra is all about balance, and Libra Mercuries always seem to know the right thing to say. They also often want to see all the sides of every problem and can be very objective thinkers in that regard. They learn best by comparing what they’re learning to something they already know; it’s all about making connections between different concepts, no matter how different they might be. When it comes to studying for finals this season, if they encounter anything too difficult or challenging, Libra Mercuries should focus on how that topic is similar to one with which they are more familiar. If they strive to compare what they don’t know to what they do, they’ll be successful.

Mercury in Scorpio

Scorpio Mercuries bring that intense Scorpio energy to any conversation they have, and when they sit down and talk to you, they really want to get to the core of the conversation or the problem at hand. They’re very observant people, which makes it easy for them to gather knowledge, both in and outside the classroom. When it comes to studying particularly difficult topics, they should focus closely on the parts that form the whole. Sometimes in their drive to get to the core of an idea, they skip key steps along the way, and this finals season it’s important for Scorpio Mercuries not to neglect those steps. ​

Mercury in Sagittarius

Sagittarius Mercuries are the definition of free thinkers. Sags are restless and eager for adventure, and in Mercury, that eagerness translates to a desire to learn anything and everything. Sagittarius Mercuries think BIG, sometimes too big, and they aren’t very interested in terms or concepts they have to memorize. This finals season, it can be easy for Sagittarius Mercuries to get carried away with their big ideas, but it’s important for them to slow down just a little bit and ground themselves in reality. It might not be what they want to do, but they should take the time to memorize the concepts they need to in order to succeed.

Mercury in Capricorn

Capricorn is one of the most responsible and competent signs of the zodiac. When it’s in Mercury that translates to a very studious and adept learner. They tend to be very motivated and productive, and don’t really need that extra push to get them to start studying. When it comes to the actual process of studying, though, Cap Mercuries tend to retain information best when it’s broken into chunks they can understand. They don’t work well when a bunch of information is thrown at them all at once, so cramming is definitely not a great strategy for Cap Mercuries. Instead, this finals season they should focus on breaking down their work into manageable chunks and going from there. 

Mercury in Aquarius

Mercury in Aquarius loves to think outside the box and even occasionally stir up some controversy. They love a good debate and often win them. Air signs have a natural intelligence, and Aquarians are no exception, but their intelligence manifests in unique and interesting ways. They don’t learn well in very structured environments and,  instead, they like to be in places where they can talk through their ideas and the concepts that they’re struggling with. This finals season, Mercury Aquarians should look to form study groups with their friends to make sure they have someone to discuss their thoughts and ideas with. 

Mercury in Pisces

Pisces Mercuries are great listeners and observers. They don’t mind letting the people around them talk because they like to sit back and just be a part of the moment. This energy is great when it comes to making friends and being in relationships, but sometimes their go with the flow attitude makes it hard for them to form good study habits. They naturally resist organization and structure, but this finals season it’s going to be important for them to push back against that resistance. If they can find joy and interest in the subjects they’re studying, it will be much easier for them to hit the books, so they should search for that joy and let it lead them to success. 

There you have it! I hope this article gave you some useful study tricks and helped you learn a bit more about astrology!

Francesca DeGiorgio

Columbia Barnard '24

Francesca (she/her) is a sophomore at Barnard College majoring in English and minoring in History. She's originally from Los Angeles, California. She loves reading, writing, astrology, and watching way too much tv.