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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.

Here’s the fall semester’s last installment from one of Her Campus Barnard’s resident anonymous guys. Who is he? That’s one secret we’ll never tell. Stay tuned for more articles like these in the Spring and continue to submit questions over break so that our anonymous guys can keep the advice coming! 

1. People keep saying that in order to meet someone I need to “put myself out there,” but that’s so not me. So, how do I meet more people without making a total fool of myself?

Sometimes we all can feel a little insecure about talking to other people, especially when we find ourselves attracted to them. The good news? The other person most likely feels the same way, so don’t feel afraid to put yourself out there. Whenever you’re out, whether it be at a coffee shop or a bar, always make sure to communicate positively with body language and facial expressions—this is key. Face outwardly towards other people, not inward towards your friends, and remember to smile. This makes it much easier for others to come approach you, because then they won’t feel so intimidated. And remember, there’s nothing wrong with initiating the conversation! If you find yourself wanting to talk to someone else, for whatever reason, go up to them and say hi! Talk to them and try and find some common ground to keep the convo going, and take it from there.

2. Seeing my ex this Winter Break (SOS). My friends are telling me it’s a mistake to get involved with him again, but a part of me misses him. What do I do?

Ugh, the dreaded ex from high school. The only thing more nauseating is watching Prezbo brag about himself during commencement. We can find ourselves getting the anxious sweats weeks before Winter Break. I know every girl has the same thoughts. You think he’s an unworthy asshole he is—that is, until he’s standing ten feet away from you, and you find yourself forgetting all of the awful things he did way back in high school. So, what to do? Make sure you see him out in a public space with a lot of people. Talk to him, ask him how things are and catch up, but keep it brief. Chances are, he still cares about you in some way. There’s no need to get into the nitty gritty with him about both of your lives; you’ve already both move on, and probably for the better. And, even though it may be intimidating, don’t let him take away your confidence. You’ve become a strong, beautiful, sexy individual, and, although you have nothing to prove to him, there is no reason for you to let him take that away from you either. But remember to give him a break too; this situation is hard on both of you.

3. All my home friends count on me to show them the NYC “hot spots” during break just because I go to school in the city. Little do they know, I never actually travel past Cannons. Suggestions? 

Although you may be tempted to take you friends to the most lit, exclusive spots in NYC, realistically all your old friends wanna do is have a drunk, sloppy reunion with their best pals from the old days. So, keep it simple. Start it off always with a nice pre game in your dorm or apartment. Offer nice refreshments, and let everyone just hug it out and catch each other up on their wild college times. Then, take them to the local CU bars! Even though they may seem pretty basic to you, your home friends have never seen or been to any of them before, and they’ll have a great time at any or all of them! Plus, they’re the perfect place to get a good drink and hang with some good friends.

PS: You can submit your very own questions for our anonymous guys to answer by using this link.

* This article is a personal piece and does not reflect the views of Her Campus Barnard or Her Campus Media. *