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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.

Welcome to your life after NSOP! Now, the first week of school is over, and some of you may be thinking — how will I survive the unknown?

Classes: Your first year is a wonderful time to explore amazing classes that you have never thought of taking before. Be bold and try something new and challenging!

Dining Halls: Ferris Booth, John Jay, Hewit, Diana Café, JJ’s place – you have so many options! Plus, try eating out (or ordering in) – you have every NYC restaurant just a phone call away #delivery

Social Life: Making friends may become more natural, since you will not be forced into socializing with people! Keep an open mind, have a gentle smile on your face, and always be friendly! You never know, you may even meet your bestie on the first weekend of school! Whenever you have conversations with people, understand that you may be coming from different places, with different experiences – recognize that and understand some of the privileges you may hold!


How to dress: Wear something that you picked out with the lights on in your room! Something you feel beautiful in, so you can slayyy everyone! Yaaasss!

Study Spots: Barnard and Columbia combined have so many places to study from the traditional Butler style to a more chill Diana 3rd floor. Feel out different spots on campus and find your favorite!


Good luck, new students! I just know you are going to slay this year!

Xoxo, Masha