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The First Signs of Spring at Barnard (in GIFS)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.

Here in New York, spring comes a little later in the year than for others. We all know the drill, it’s beautiful and sunny with a high of 55 one day, and snowing the next. We’ve come to expect this, and yet those sparse sunny days make it feel like we’re living in a parallel universe. Spring means many things at Barnard: laying out on Lehman lawn or Low steps, not being able to enjoy it because we’re too busy with midterms, and building anticipation for spring break (yay!) To celebrate our freedom and not-long-enough vacation time, I bring you the signs of spring at Barnard, in GIFS.

That one day when you check the weather and it says 55 degrees and sunny, and you’re like:

Walking across campus without a jacket is literally the best experience you’ve had in months

Naturally, this means we can whip out our shorts and tank tops… right?


But wait, no it’s actually only 55 degrees and pretty windy…

Even so, when you step into the sunshine it’s like:

And then SURPRISE it snows the next day like WTF

The weather app on your phone says it won’t be above 40 for the rest of the week

The sun has disappeared for what seems like an eternity

All your friends at West-Coast and Southern school are posting pics of them in swimsuits and it’s some serious bullshit

On the bright side, you and your friends have solidified Spring Break plans!

And now you have to prepare to be seen in your swimsuit…


A better day has never existed (except for when it was sunny a week ago, but still)


Lehman lawn is comparable to beach somewhere (kind of, not really, but we need a place to tan IT’S SO SUNNY)

Low Steps has more people than Cannon’s on a Friday night

Of course, it’s impossible to enjoy this because midterms are a thing

But after all your hard work, you can finally go somewhere where spring is real and it’s actually warm




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Sofia Lyons

Columbia Barnard

I'm a first year student at Barnard and aspiring fashion journalist, hoping to bring my fellow collegiettes some style tips & info about upcoming trends! I also love singing/songwriting, dancing, event planning, community service, eating good food, and exploring NYC.
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Liana Gergely

Columbia Barnard