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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.

Name: Evan Miller
Hometown: Cincinnati, Ohio
Class Year: 2012
Major: Political Science
Relationship status: Single

On-campus activities: Defending intramural basketball titles, having average meals at various campus dining halls, hanging with the cashier girls in 212, Sig Ep, football.
Off-campus activities: Going to Chipotle, EC, Heights, or campo? Memorizing movie lines to traditionally non quotable movies like “The Town”, “Avatar”, and “The Fugitive.” I am also the Brand Manager on campus for Red Bull (holla atcha boi if you need some).
Favorite sports team: St. Xavier Bombers Football
Girl trend you hate/don’t understand: Why girls sometimes respond favorably to guys who treat them poorly.
Senior words of wisdom you’d offer to freshmen: Read Sparknotes, take Oceanography, get on Bigga’s good side.
Your personal opinion on tattoos: Not for me, but if they’re for you, I like when they have valuable meaning and are not easily visible.
Favorite off-campus destination: Formals. What’s better, Christmas or formal season? Formal season.
Ideal way to spend the weekend: That’s tough because my weekend starts at 6pm on Tuesday. Why don’t we say I zip to the Caribbean for a few days and then come back just to wait in line on Saturday night outside Mel’s?
Biggest turn on and turn off: Turn on, a girl who can keep me on my toes. Not play games, just keep things interesting socially, emotionally, etc. Turn off, high maintenance, dramatic, a cat person.
The individual you idolize most and why? Sting. Sting’s an idol of mine. The music he’s made over the year, I don’t really listen to it. But the fact that he’s making it, I respect that. 
Favorite Disney movie: I prefer Disney Channel Originals like Brink and Johnny Tsunami.
The first thing you plan to do after graduating? Heights Rooftop Happy Hour, get annoyingly rushed out of moving out of Hogan, and then backpack through Europe with Anthony Potter, Chris Paruch, and Nico Papas
Celebrity crush: Allegra Cole from Hitch

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Giselle Boresta

Columbia Barnard

Giselle, Class of 2014 at Barnard College, is an Economics major with a minor in French. She was born in New York City, grew up in Ridgewood, NJ, and is excited to be back in her true hometown of New York City. She likes the Jersey Shore (the actual beach, not the show) and seeing something crazy in New York every day!