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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.

If you’re involved in Greek life at Barnard/Columbia (or at all), you’re no stranger to the mixer– it’s a rare occurrence that you’re not dressing up for some ridiculous theme, which means your wardrobe has to become a costume closet at a moment’s notice. But every weekend I hear the same complaint: “I have nothing to wear!” what happens if you don’t own any bright and tight clothing for that neon party?? Yeah right, we all know you have an abundance of colored spandex. That being said, not all themes are so easily accomplished… figuring out what to wear is generally a huuuge struggle, and let’s be real, absolutely none of the men at your mixer will ever notice the outfit you spent hours picking out. But the pictures make it all worth it, right?


Your social chair announces you will be mixing this Saturday with Phi Beta Kappa Delta Sigma or whoever, which OMG IS YOUR FAVORITE FRAT

You’re hype AF about it because there’s this really hot guy that’s gonna be there, and it’s time to look good, am I right?

And the theme? ON POINT. You know just what to wear.

You go about your week. Anticipation is building.

The night before the mixer, you figure “maybe I’ll try on my perfect outfit and see just how fabulous I look”

But when you put on your outfit…

Ok, no biggie. Let me just try on a few more outfits

But no matter what you do, nothing looks right

So you enlist your friends, obviously


Thank God Ricky’s and American Apparel are just around the corner

After a lot of help from your roommate, sorority sisters, and credit card…

You’ve finally got it

Time to walk up in that mixer like the hottest girl around


Aaaand after 0.5 seconds of your sexiest dance moves

You look disgusting again

Happy mixing!

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Sofia Lyons

Columbia Barnard

I'm a first year student at Barnard and aspiring fashion journalist, hoping to bring my fellow collegiettes some style tips & info about upcoming trends! I also love singing/songwriting, dancing, event planning, community service, eating good food, and exploring NYC.