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CU Back at School: How to Come Back from Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.

Peeling myself off the couch to come back to classes was the most daunting prospect I’ve faced in a month.  After 4 weeks of pure, unadulterated bliss relaxing without classes or the stress of internships, I find myself back in the fray.  Suddenly, after a period full of endless hours in which there was simply nothing to do, now I’m sprinting from Fayerweather to Barnard Hall, trying to make it from one class to another in all of ten minutes (administration, take note: it’s not enough time.)   I realized I won’t have enough time to eat lunch on Wednesdays, and I have three papers due on the same distant February weekend already.

Bleak, huh?

Well, maybe a little.  BUT when I realized how much excitement will fill my life this semester in between all of the work, it made the transition back to school much easier.  Friends are already planning birthday parties to go to.  I have four wonderful new inhabitants in my suite.  My holiday gifts are dying to be worn and complimented around campus.  While all this might seem obvious, there are also very little things that might cheer you up that many of us are too short sighted to think about.

If you’re in the winter doldrums, here are 5 spring semester truths that might help you cheer up as you figure out how to take two classes at the same time and make it to your internship.  

  1. It only gets warmer from here.  Just think, by the time February comes, things will start to slowly warm up.  And not risking frostbite is a good thing, people.
  2. Bacchanal!  It’s a little distant, but the concert of the season is on the agenda in a few months.  In moments of winter despair, keep calm and try on neon.
  3. You’re back at school!  And guess who else is?  All of your friends!  Take advantage of Restaurant week while it’s going on now and catch up with everyone at cool, funky restaurants.  For cheap.
  4. While new classes are daunting, they can also be exciting.  Be on the lookout for the opportunity to meet your potentially cool new professors and classmates!
  5. Spring break is only six weeks away!

Hopefully having these five  mantras to look forward to will help temped some of the come back adjustment blues.  Focus on the positives of the new semester and the transition will fly by!  Happy Spring 2013!