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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.

We’ve all done it. You know you’re either lying or have never been drunk in your life if you say you haven’t. It starts out super innocently, a sloppy kiss on the cheek that gets a bit too close to the lips, and next thing you know your best girlfriend and you are furiously making out on the dance floor, surrounded by a crowd of high-fiving frat guys.

Quick question though – why exactly do guys like this so much? If the situation were reversed and it was two guys going at it at the club, I’m not so confident that the ladies would be gathered around taking photos with their iphones, screaming “Yeahhh, grab his chest hair!”  I even know some guys who – albeit after eight beers – think it’s ‘funny’ to kiss their bros. And, hate to break it to you guys: it’s not a big turn-on for me. At all. Obviously, I’m allllll for two gay guys showing their affection for one another, but as a mating call, two straight dudes making out doesn’t have quite the same cache as two straight girls making out.

When I see my date (yes it’s happened) make out with his friend “as a joke,” I don’t get those sexy feelings, I get those “I need to get my gay-dar checked” feelings. I’ve heard people say that guys love to see girls make out because then they can imagine themselves as a part of that situation and only good things can happen from there. So I’ll play along – Let me put myself in this situation where two guys are hooking up…. Still not doing it for me. I actually feel a little neglected. Unwanted. That’s not how a lady (Yes, I’m a lady, I don’t care what the Mel’s bartender tells you he’s seen) likes to feel in bed. But guys are apparently okay with being ignored in the bedroom while two girls go at. That’s pretty voyeuristic. And creepy. And girls, we’re just encouraging them. And now I bet the next time you’re hooking up with a dude, you’ll wonder if he’s thinking about you making out with your roommate. Or worse, you’ll picture him making out with his roommate. So much beard. So much beard burn.