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Barnard’s New “Pink” Ladies!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.

As some of you may have noticed, Victoria’s Secret has been all over campus this semester. And we must admit, we kind of love it. While I was almost certain PINK had hid its height back in middle school, it looks, indeed, like the brand is in the midst of a serious comeback. If you, like us, are tryna hop on the bandwagon, then you’re in luck – thanks to a lovely group of CU/BC VS PINK campus reps, you now have access to some pretty sweet giveaways (full disclose: I found one of these handy gift-card endowed boxes in Butler. Pretty fab finals pick-me-up if you ask me). Our verdict? We’re still fairly unsure what exactly Victoria’s Secret is, but given it’s recent slew of success, we’re pretty sure it has something to do some pretty genius marketers. 

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Talia Weisner

Columbia Barnard

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Liana Gergely

Columbia Barnard