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Aaron Shooshani: Not Just “Crutch Boy” Anymore

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.


Name: Aaron Shooshani

Hometown: Los Angeles, CA

School/Year: CC 2017

Major: Economics and History

Tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do on campus: I’m involved in the Multicultural Business Association, speaker coordinator for Columbia Financial Investment Group, did Marketing for the Varsity Show. And oh, I’m in a frat.

Best class you’ve ever taken at Columbia/Barnard: 20th Century Modern Art with Rosalind Krauss. Making up words to sound pretentious is a favorite pastime of mine, so it was a match made in heaven.

One class you want to take before you leave: Organizing Innovation

Favorite place to study: Avery Library, 1st floor, second table next to the window on the left side.

Favorite place to go in the city: Smorgasburg

Nussbaum or Absolute? Nussbaum. I both metaphorically and literally live in the building.

Oren’s, Joes or Starbucks? Joes.

If you could go and live in one place in the world for a year all expenses paid where would it be? I’d probably go to Colombia (the country), raise a farm, gain 30 pounds, engrain myself with the locals, pick up the moniker, “El Patron”, and live simply off the land.

Signature dance move: Single Ladies Dance

Qualities you look for in a mate: Independent, Open to new ideas, Won’t take my BS

Celebrity Crush: Hillary Clinton

Describe your dream date: Museum exhibit, then walk through the Park. Maybe it starts to rain. Maybe we head for cover under the old willow tree. Maybe, we laugh as the downpour heavies. Maybe—a refrain—we catch one another’s eye. Maybe, the surrounding world dissipates.  (Hushed Whisper) Maybe…

Best pick-up line you’ve got: “If you’re a bird, I’m a bird”

If you were to host a themed party, what would the theme be? If I were to host a party, the theme would be worrying about if the party is fun or not

Favorite memory at Columbia so far: Being called “Crutch Boy” for the first month of freshman year while actually on crutches

Top 3 things you want to do before you graduate:

1.     Start a business

2.     Get to the top of the Dome of Low

3.     Nude Model For Figure Drawing

Three things you can’t live without:

1. My Friends

2. My knees (Shout out to my crutches)

3. Family