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5 Ways To Prevent Breast Cancer in Your 20s.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.

October: the month of the pumpkin latte, the leather jacket, and the pink apparel.
Yup—it’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month, when many of us buy Yoplait’s pink-lid yogurt or watch our favorite NFL players don pink jerseys. But are we really helping the fight against breast cancer by buying the new pink Essie color? Maybe, and maybe not—it depends how much Essie actually gives to the cause. A guaranteed way to contribute to the cause, though, is to protect yourself and your friends from breast cancer.
For most of us, the only thing on our minds is how to get through midterms, find a way to talk to that cute guy we met at Mel’s, secure our internship for next semester, and catch up the episode of Homeland we missed last week. Many of us are not thinking about how to get through breast cancer—and that’s great. But there are a few things we can think about now so that we don’t have to think about breast cancer later.
Nine out of ten incidences of breast cancer are “triggered and/or promoted by unhealthy lifestyle factors and environmental exposures.” What can you do, as a college student and twenty-something, to prevent breast cancer? LOTS!

1. Hit up Dodge (or any other gym in the city): Exercising is more than just a way to keep your bikini body for Fall or Winter Break, it’s also a key to preventing many diseases, including breast cancer. Though we don’t know how often and intense workouts should be, research suggests that the longer and harder the workouts, the greater reduction in cancer risk. In short: put those cute Lululemon pants to work.

2. Eat Right: 
You hear it all the time: “maintain a balanced diet.” But what does this mean and how does it prevent breast cancer? Eating a variety of antioxidant-rich fruits (especially berries and tomatoes) and vitamin-filled vegetables (like broccoli, brussel sprouts, and cabbage) keeps your body’s cells healthy and enhances their tumor-fighting abilities. What to stay away from? Red meat, sweets, and soy products.

3. Get to Know your Body: While most of us don’t need to worry about getting mammograms until we’re 40 (phew!) we do need to start performing self breast exams at age 20! This may seem weird at first, but knowing what your breasts look and feel like when they’re normal is the only way to know when they’re abnormal. Check yourself in the mirror at least once a month; if you see or find anything unusual (no matter how small or large), ask your doctor about it.

4. Go Easy on the Alcohol.
You all know that a Heights’ margarita packs a pretty high caloric punch. But few know that drinking two per day (on average) could actually increase your breast cancer risk by 21 percent, according to the American Cancer Society. Research says women should have no more than one alcoholic drink per day.

5. What’s my risk?: If you have a family history of breast cancer, a genetic disorder, are overweight, or have another disorder that can predispose you to breast cancer, talk to your doctor about your risk. YOU are your best advocate in prevention, and you need to know what you’re up against! You go, Glen Coco!
There you have it—5 ways to maintain your hot and happy body while keeping your breasts healthy. To do your part in the fight against breast cancer, follow these prevention tips and pass them along to your friends and siblings!

For more information. Read these helpful resources:




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Toby Milstein

Columbia Barnard

Hi my name is Toby Milstein and I'm a student at Barnard College at Columbia University!