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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Colgate chapter.

Typically, it’s during the spring semester of junior year that most students go abroad. You get to know a brand new city and a whole new country right before you come back to campus as a senior, which is crazy to think about! I decided to not take the traditional route, and I went abroad my sophomore year. Here’s what I learned and why I think you should go abroad as a sophomore:

Returning to Campus as a Junior

One of the most daunting aspects of going abroad your junior year is returning to campus as a senior. After a semester of adventures, it can be scary coming back to campus. You find yourself stressing over finishing graduation requirements and pursuing your post grad plans, whether it’s applying to school or finding a job. If you study abroad as a sophomore, you have all of junior year to focus on yourself and your goals for the future.You have time to work on your major requirements, search for internships, and reconnect with the Colgate community.  

Meeting New People Early On 

My favorite part of abroad was that I became close with people that aren’t in my class year. I also did a Colgate Study Group, so I have friends I get to see on campus now! When you’re on campus, it can be hard to form strong bonds with upperclassmen, but abroad you don’t feel these differences in class year nearly as much. I made countless friends from all over the world with different cultures and backgrounds. It’s truly an enriching experience that makes you feel even more excited to return to campus. After some healthy distance, you come back the following semester with a newfound sense of self and energy to make new friends.

I won’t lie, I definitely did feel some FOMO at first about all of my friends on campus, but it’s important to remember that you’re off having your own adventures and that this experience is extremely valuable. Friends and family are just a Facetime call away! 

Lots of Flexibility

Flexibility is one of the major perks of going abroad as a sophomore. Firstly, you have flexibility in where you can travel because you’re not necessarily tied down to your major requirements just yet. You’re motivated to explore all of your options and possibly find some new interests. It’s also your last chance to take fun electives before fully settling into major-specific classes because your major’s required electives that may not be offered abroad. 

Newly Found Independence

Colgate is a small and tight-knit community that has its ups and downs. Going abroad to a new place is a great way to reset, especially if freshman year wasn’t the best year for you. Your world opens up to new experiences and opportunities. You also return to campus with a newly found independence and growth mindset. I definitely felt more mature and comfortable with myself on campus as an upperclassmen. I also got to know myself better early on in my college career, and I feel like I can make important life decisions with a clearer head. 

A semester abroad is an incredibly empowering experience that teaches you self-reliance and helps you grow as a person. Those are some of my reasons for why you should go abroad as a sophomore! As someone who did it, I promise it’s not as scary as you think it is, and it will be a life-changing experience at an earlier point in your college career. 

My name is Alisa, and I am a junior at Colgate University majoring in psychology. Career-wise, I am interested in the marketing, advertising, publishing, and journalism industries. Outside of school, I love learning about art history, reading fiction and non-fiction books, and staying active by playing soccer or tennis.