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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Colgate chapter.

Life in quarantine can be frustrating, stressful, and just plain boring. Especially when living in a dorm room for weeks on end, this time is emotionally draining. However, food shouldn’t be contributing to the stress of quarantine! Even though there are limited options and limited resources available, it is still super easy to whip up a quick and nutritious meal or snack. Besides, there is nothing more fun than making food and being able to eat it right after. Here is a list of quick recipes and snacks that you can try for each meal of the day. Remember, if you don’t have access to the supermarket, there are new delivery options from local grocery stores!

Breakfast: Overnight Oats

I know overnight oats were all the rage this past year, but there is a reason for that. It’s so easy to throw everything into a jar, bowl, or mug and have breakfast ready to go the next morning. No need to heat anything up (you can if you want to), just take it out of the fridge and enjoy! To start you’ll need oatmeal and your choice of liquid. I like to use Old-Fashioned oats and almond milk for a dairy free alternative. Add 1 part oats to your bowl followed by 2 parts liquid. This base is all you need and you can feel free to add any toppings you like! I like to add chia seeds straight to the base as well as vegan protein powder. If you add any additional powders or dry ingredients, make sure to add more liquid! Feel free to throw some extra peanut butter, nuts, granola, dried or fresh fruit, or even some sweetener of your choice. 

Lunch: Spiced-Up Ramen Salad

Hear me out on this one. I made this all the time over the summer when I was really lazy but wasn’t in the mood for a hot meal. All you need is ramen, or any other type of noodle, I really like brown rice noodles. Cook the noodles as per the package instructions, but don’t add the seasoning! If you have orange juice, yes orange juice, laying around, perhaps from your delivered continental breakfast, and add that to the noodles when they are done cooking. If you have any sort of salty marinade (like soy sauce of liquid aminos) throw that in there as well! Finally, add a protein of your choice (I like microwavable edamame) and some fresh or frozen veggies if you have it for a well-balanced meal! It sounds crazy but I promise it is good!

Snack: Fruit and Pretzel Dip

I love snacks that involve dipping. Especially dips that can be used with a variety of dipping utensils, if you will. My current favorite is cream cheese mixed with nuts and a sweetener. My combo includes dairy free cream cheese, walnuts, and maple syrup. I like dipping this with apples and pretzels for a bit of a sweet and savory combination. 

Dinner: DIY Burrito Bowl

My go-to dinner is a bowl full of whatever I have left in the fridge and pantry. Burrito bowls are so easy because they are totally customizable. All you need is to look at what sort of ingredients you have available to you and put them together! I find that most people have the ingredients for a burrito-ish type bowl and it makes for an extremely balanced and filling meal. I like to use canned beans, canned corn, and microwaveable rice as my base. If I have other veggies like lettuce or peppers I’ll add that as well as another protein. However, if you don’t have another protein source, black beans are full of plant protein and are high in iron! Also, if I have some salsa or hot sauce on hand, I’ll add that too. Another super easy meal!

Make sure you try out these recipes if you’re in need of some meal inspiration or looking for a fun quarantine activity : )

Hi! My name is Kate Connelly and I am a junior studying Economics and Geography.
Courtney Day

Colgate '22

Courtney Day is the Campus Correspondent for the Colgate University chapter of Her Campus. She is an English major, minoring in both Political Science and Writing & Rhetoric, and is a member of the Women's Varsity Lacrosse team.