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Lulu: The Follow-Up To Tinder

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Colgate chapter.


Possibly the most controversial social networking app yet released, Lulu is spreading like wildfire through girls on college campuses. An app that lets you rate all of the boys you’ve been with AND see what other girls have to say about the ones you want to be with — can anyone really say they’re not at least interested? 

Lulu is an exclusively female app (you can only sign into the app if you identify as “female” on Facebook), that creates a rating profile for any male with a Facebook. Guys are rated on things like their appearance, sense of humor, level of commitment, and all of their best and worst qualities, (ratings are chosen from a dropdown menu, to keep things from getting too personal or vindictive). There are positive qualities to choose from: #SmellsAmazeballs, #PleaseF***MeILoveYou, #HasADog, #WritesLoveSongs, #Big.Feet…and not-so-positive ones: #Boring, #CheaperThanABigMac, #WearsEdHardy, #OwnsCrocs, #GoneByMorning. After an extensive profiling of sexual abilities and quirky personality traits, the guy gets a numerical rating to be displayed with his Facebook profile. You can rate your ex, your best friend, a one time hook-up, and anyone in between.

Imagine being able to collect all of those Sunday morning recaps of weekend dates and hookups in one place and then share them anonymously with the female population of Facebook…that’s Lulu! 


Lulu’s creator, Alexandra Chong, claims that the vast majority of ratings have remained positive. The app is intended to create a forum for women to share info about the men they know, all in the name of helping a sister out, and not just trash talking. However, the app has faced a mixed reception; some women love it, some hate the idea of it, and all men cringe at the idea of women being able to anonymously rate them on a mobile app. Everything about Lulu is fun and games until you really consider the implications of this popular, new app. Lulu’s been accused of being heteronormative (there’s no database for women who like other women) and encouraging a double standard (can you even imagine the backlash if men made an app to rate women?!?!). But even when acknowledging these criticisms as legitimate, Lulu is pretty hard to resist. 



All things considered, Lulu is worth checking out. Whether it be for a sociological perspective or to find out what the past girls of your current boytoy have to say, Lulu provides entertainment like never before. Lulu has become the norm for researching (really just stalking) potential cuties at many larger schools, but will it catch on at Colgate? 




Download and decide if Lulu is the app for you- https://itunes.apple.com/us/ap…