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Five Halloween Activities You’re NOT Too Old For

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Colgate chapter.


When I asked my four year old cousin what he planned on being for Halloween this year, I was not expecting to hear such a well thought out plan. He not only told me this year’s costume, but his intended costumes for the next 2 years as well. He then told me exactly which candies he hoped to acquire during his trick-or-treating escapades (he’s on a particular mission for Reese’s). His excitement reminded me of everything I used to do during this festive time. While the college version of Halloween is definitely thrilling, take a peak at these throw back ways to celebrate. 

1.     Rent a scary movie. But do it right. Lights off, doors shut, volume all the way up and absolutely no side chatter. Invite a friend who’s sure to be a screamer.

2.     Paint a pumpkin. Sure, it’s kind of a cop out to carving pumpkins but realistically, who has the time or skill for that? It’s fun, it’s easy, and it’s a festive decoration for your window-sill.

3.     Trick or treat! If you live on Broad Street, pick up some candy for some of the Hamilton kids coming by. Maybe you’ll find your professor’s child outside your door (which will score you some major brownie points).

4.     Bake pumpkin themed treats! Pie, cookies, muffins, bread, whatever. It’s all delicious.

5.     EAT CANDY Just do it. You’ll still look banging in your costume later that night.