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Easy Ways to be More Environmentally Friendly in your Dorm Room

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Colgate chapter.

Colgate University recently was placed near the end in the list of environmentally friendly schools, so in the spirit of our lack of environmental awareness, here is a list of things to do to help us improve.

1). RECYCLE. We were all given rcycling bins at the beginning of the year, so USE them! We have one for paper and one for plastic, so it is easy to sort your recycling. This will help so much!!

2). Turn off lights when not in the room. My roommates and I have recently put up signs at every light switch to remind ourselves that we need to turn off the lights more often. Our signs read: “How would you like it if some on turned you on then left?” and “Empty rooms love darkness”, etc. Try it and it will save so much energy.

3). Take short showers. Try to limit your showers to be less than 5 minutes. I know we all like standing in the warm water and relaxing, but this is detrimental for our environment. Try multi-tasking: use conditioner and body wash at the same time or shave while the conditioner is setting!

4). Dont waste food. We are all guilty of this one, I know it! Next time you are at frank or any meal, remember to try to only take as much as you will eat. In addition to saving energy in the cooking process, this will also save on food waste!

Emily Bliss is a sophomore at Colgate University, where her academic interests include Political Science, Economics, and Chinese. She hopes to attend business school upon her graduation. In addition to being a tour guide and admissions office volunteer, she competes with the Alpine Ski Racing Team and the Rugby Club. Emily calls Cambridge, Massachusetts home, as it is where she was born and raised, though she loves living in Hamilton, New York when school is in session. Her favorite activities include spending time in and around Boston, watching Gossip Girl, traveling, and cooking!