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Colgate’s Hill: Thoughts on the Dreaded Walk Up

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Colgate chapter.

Colgate has been labeled one of the most beautiful campuses in the country, due to its magnificent hilly landscape.  At Colgate, we revel in our campus’ beauty, taking more Instagram pics of Taylor Lake than is probably healthy.  However, when it comes time to walk up the treacherous hill to class…the campus turns into a hellish scene.  Panting ensues and the last thing on the walker’s mind is taking a Inst-worthy pic, for at that moment in time…you. hate. the. hill.  

1. OMG…that person definitely just heard my dog-like panting.

2. If I don’t have the butt of an Olympic sprinter after this, I’m going to be pissed.

3. Is going to class really worth this hill? Is my future really worth this hill?

4. Maybe my absurd heart rate right now is a sign I should work out more? But, like, I don’t know. 

5. I hope I remembered deodorant today.

6. To everyone walking down the hill…I hate you all. Stop smiling.

7. How immoral of me would it be to call campo for a ride right now?

8. Would it be suspicious if I take “phone break”?

9. This will be the last time I bring any books to class.

10. I’ll reward myself by taking the cruiser from Persson to Frank, no one will notice, right?

11. Glad I will walk into class looking like I just ran a marathon.

12. Don’t look up, don’t look up, don’t look up.

13. Thank God I survived that hike, now I just have to make it up 3 more flights of stairs…

Morgan is a junior at Colgate University where she majors in Creative Writing and minors in Film & Media Studies.  On campus, Morgan is a New Member Educator for greek life's Kappa Kappa Gamma.  When she's not under stacks of English literature in the library, you can find her watching old reruns of Laguna Beach with her co-correspondent leader, Caroline Parsons.  An avid listener of country music, interior design fanatic, and diehard Bachelor spectator.  Check out the blogs and articles produced by Morgan, Caroline, and their diverse (just as weird) team of writers!