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Bobby Hite ’06

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Colgate chapter.

Name:Bobby Hite
What are you currently up to?“Right now, I happen to be living on Cape Cod and taking a job at a Cape Cod discount liquor store, holding down the fort. This provides me with money for all the necessities as I write a novel. I also currently work with two individuals who are also attempting to succeed in the art world. One is a screenplay writer who graduated from Holy Cross last year. He’s taking a year off before going to UFC to further his career as a screenplay writer. The other is a 24-year-old black rapper, whose stage name is Booda the Great. He also refers to himself as Fat Boy Swag. In the time I am not spending at the discount liquor store or writing, I am attempting to manage him as he starts his career. “
How did you end up doing what you’re doing?“I worked at a private bank for three years and I foresaw, due to taking the CFA and understanding the economic climate, the termination of my employment at this bank. I realized my own abilities lie with my English major from Colgate University and wanted to write a novel so I moved to Cape Cod and began writing.”
How would you describe being an author/artist? “It’s a grind with a lot of writing. I write a lot of authors besides myself and all my writing is done by hand with a pencil. Although it is hard work, it will hopefully one day be rewarding.
What advice do you have to offer for any aspiring authors?“Ignore everything others tell you that you have to do and do what you feel that you have to do. You only get one shot.”
On another note, what was the most rewarding experience at Colgate University? “Joining a fraternity, which enabled me to meet a lot of great people. I was the social chair, which was a lot of fun and allowed me to organize such events as Beta Beach.”

Alexandra Hite is a sophomore at Colgate University where she intends to major in Environmental Studies and minor in Spanish. At Colgate, she is involved with the Sailing Team and the Alpine Ski Team. Born and raised in Albany, New York, Alex enjoys running, baking, and traveling. Additionally, she enjoys surfing on Cape Cod during the summers. Her favorite city is Boston, where she hopes to attend law school upon graduating from Colgate University.