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The 5 Guys You Will Meet at Colgate

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Colgate chapter.
1. The Athlete
You know his first name, his last name, his height and weight. GoColgateRaiders.com is probably bookmarked at the top of your browser due to the high volume of attractive male atheletes on this campus. The “athlete” is a physically fit specimen who sports “greys” and post- lift wet hair for a casual laid-back look. He can usually be found drinking celebratory beers downtown with his teammates after killing it on some court, field, rink, pool, regatta or arena. 
2. The Fratstar Dad
Your typical Colgate “bro” is little more seasoned and spiffy compared to frat stars at other schools. He is probably decked out in J.Crew with some additional L.L. Bean or Patagonia accessories. He can be spotted on a frat porch meticulously smoothing over his sleek comeover hairstyle. Any night will be “legendary” if he is with his broskis. When he is not cleaning the frat juice off of his Sperry’s or throwing down for a round of Mary’s Specials, you can probably spot him sipping on a “Venti Italian Roast” at the library café. After he graduates he will most likely move to New York City and become a successful investment banker, only to retire early to practice his lifelong love of sailing. 
3. The Overachieving Politican 
This is a man of extraordinary titles. He is most likely the president of something, on some council or board, heavily involved in several clubs, probably double majoring, traveling on an extended study group all while working as a professor’s research assistant. You can already see his name on an election ballot and love the fact that he is never afraid to go full JT(on his suit and tie s**t). The politican is always up for some wild late night appearances, but strickly for publicity purposes. 
4. The Mamma’s Boy
This is the sweetheart you introduce during Parent’s Weekend. This cutie is a hilarious charmer who is most skilled at making hearts melt. This guy will come over just to hang out. He will insist on breakfast and drives you home instead of letting you walk home hungry and cold. He is most likely the “sweet softie” of his friend group and holds the crown for sober texting (just to see how your day is going). 
5. The Free Spirit 
The party boy is always trying to have a good time. He is a master at turning any atmosphere, even class, into something memorable. He is down for whatever, whenever. Everyone loves this wild child. He doesn’t believe in authority and will always be up for some reckless endangerment. The free spirit welcomes everyone with open arms. He does not attend the party, he is the party. He often leaves you perplexed as you ponder legitimate answers to the age old question “turned down for what?”
To the male population of Colgate University… this list is in no particular order, you are all loved equally. Infact, Colgate’s unique well rounded liberal arts campus culture has probably turned each of you into a hybrid of this list. 
Elena Havas is a Campus Correspondent for Her Campus at Colgate University. She is an English Major with an emphasis in creative writing as well as a Minor in Film and Media Studies. She began blogging for Her Campus in the Spring of 2013. She has made new initiatives to expand Her Campus across Colgate's Campus. She is a native of New York City and some of her interests include life advice, pop culture, women's rights, public policy reform and referring to herself in the third person under her alias notoriously known as "lanes".