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What Are You Doing This Summer?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Colby chapter.

Alas, Spring Break is over, and the next thing on everyone’s mind is summer vacation. But in between the shopping and the beach trips, most of us will probably want to do something to make a little extra cash.
Unfortunately, this sounds a lot easier to do than it actually is. These days, college students are frequently pitted in competition against adults for both full and part time jobs, something which makes the paid internship an increasingly popular option. But these internships, too, are quite competitive. Unable to find a summer internship that pays well? Or, find one that’s unpaid but still want some extra cash? No worries, here is a list of some of the best part-time or full-time summer jobs available to college students.



  1. Vacation spots and other travel resorts/cruises: What’s better than getting paid to work in a vacation spot, and having free access to the amenities of a resort and the entertainment offered? And as for working on a cruise, well, that’s a given; you’re basically being paid to travel!
  2. The gym: Jobs are probably fairly simple, and hey, there’s guaranteed air conditioning. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll be permitted to use the machines for free! Sounds like a sweet deal to me.
  3. The movie theater: While it is possible that such a job would tie up part of your weekend, you will get to see free movies, and you’ll probably get concession discounts too.
  4. Work as a waiter/waitress for a catering company or restaurant: Pluses: it’s not an office job, it’s probably not a 9-5 job, and as for the latter, there are tips! Cons: Very tiring!
  5. Amusement parks: Raise your hand if you like free rides! On the downside, it can get hot depending on where you decide to work (so make sure the amusement park is also a water park!).
  6. Work online: Probably one of the most attractive emerging career area out there; after all, you work from home in your pajamas! Plus, many of these jobs allow you to choose your own hours, making it completely acceptable to wake up at noon and work till the brink of dawn if you so desire!
  7. Work as a summer research assistant on-campus: Besides the fact that this is a great opportunity on its
    own, this is a job that provides you with the perks of campus life during the summer months: food, housing, great people, etc.

Where do you work over the summer? Share your favorite internship or summer job experiences below!

Photo Sources:




  1. http://www.pgcps.org/~erhs/contact.htm
  2. sharondrewmorgen.com
  3. work-girl.blogspot.com



Brett is a senior at Colby College. She is an international studies and anthropology double major, and spent her first semester of college in Dijon, France.  She enjoys writing, traveling, Gossip Girl, and Thai food. Already having interned at fashion designers and magazines, she is excited to contribute to Her Campus! She is also a certified personal trainer and loves working out.