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Tyler Cash: Epitome of Campus Celeb

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Colby chapter.

“T-Cashhh!” “Yo Ty!” “Tyler, waddup dude?” These are just some of the many things Tyler Cash hears as he walks around Colby’s campus. He, for lack of a better explanation, epitomizes the idea of a Colby campus celebrity. I’d say that out of a campus of roughly 1,900 students, at least 1,800 know Tyler Cash. And everyone who knows him loves him.

After living two doors down from him this year, I’ve gotten to know him quite well. And since Tyler is already obviously a campus celebrity, I’m going to take this a step farther. Ladies, Tyler Cash is also Colby’s most eligible bachelor. He’s sweet, fun, and incredibly charismatic. So I’ve set up an Q & A with him so that you girls can see Tyler’s sensitive side, along with his shining sense of humor, and overall glowing personality. So without further ado, the wonderful Tyler Cash.
EA: How many different people/tables do you think you sit with in one meal?
TC: The average would have to be at least 3 tables, and I probably talk to about 20-30 people.
EA: What do you do on campus?
TC: I play lacrosse, and know everyone. I’m a member of GQ, and SOBHU (Students Organized for Black and Hispanic Unity), and I work for security. I assist in the lock-up of this campus. I get to drive around with the security guards and lock up all of the academic buildings, it’s loads of fun. They’re all really great guys, and girls. There’s a new girl.
EA: How do you know literally everyone you pass?
TC: I just like the sense of community. I think it’s a very important thing, so I do my best to be involved or associate with many different social clicks as I can. Just because you’re an athlete doesn’t mean you’re bound to your teammates.
EA: How many people from Colby are you friends with, including alumni/ae?
TC: A lot. If I had to guess, I think it’s at least 500. I know I invited 375 to a facebook event, and that didn’t include alumni/ae.
EA: What would you say are three adjectives that best describe you?
TC: I don’t like thinking about myself like that.
EA: What are you most looking forward to as school winds down?
TC: I’m looking forward to warmer weather. But one thing I’m looking forward to is the Wiz Khalifa and Big Sean concert coming up; it should be fun.
EA: Is it weird to have literally everybody know your name?
TC: I don’t think it’s weird to have so many people know who I am because I know them back, so it’s not that awkward. Very rarely do I meet someone that I haven’t heard of. With the freshmen, it’s a new process every year. The class I know the least about is the freshman class, but I’m getting there.
EA: What’s your favorite pick-up line?
TC: I’m not one for pick-up lines.
EA: What do you wanna be when you grow up?
TC: I want to get into advertising and marketing. I feel like with my ability to network, it could be a fun career.
EA: Tell me a little bit about your Colby lacrosse career.
TC: I walked onto the team as a freshman. I broke my thumb my freshman year, didn’t really play because of that. Returned to the team as a sophomore, and played in a few games sparingly, and really became a sideline personality. That’s where I’m at now. I do my best from the bench to get the best out of my teammates.
EA: How do you prepare for a game?
TC: Even though I don’t play, I still like to go through the same routine every game. If it’s a home game, I’ll get down the locker room at least two hours ahead of time, and I just get ready on my own time, hang out, just kind of relax, and then go up and practice.
EA: What’s the broiest thing you do?
TC: I guess it would have to be play lacrosse. I’m not too up on my bro activities.
EA: Can you give me a few words of “lax lingo” with a translation?
TC: Sni: it’s a shortening of the word snipe. To put the ball up in the corner. Popcorn: When the goalie makes a save and pops the ball up. Fresh Pearls: Brand-new lacrosse balls.
EA: Do you have a role model? Why would you choose that particular person?
TC: I have two. Lamont Henry, who graduated last year. He kind of made me realize that as an athlete, you don’t have to spend all of your time with your team. Yeah you love them, and they’re going to be some of your best friends, but you should make the most of your college experience. The other is Craig Bunker. He’s a sweetheart. 
EA: Who is your celebrity crush?
TC: I’m gonna go with Bridget from the Girls Next Door. Yeah, cuz she’s hot.
EA: What’s your drink of choice, both alcoholic, and nonalcoholic?
TC: Alcoholic: I have a drink named after me in the pub. If you’re of age, you should check it out. Nonalcoholic: I love purple Gatorade.
EA:  What’s your biggest pet peeve?
TC: When people call soda “pop.”
EA: Who would be your ideal loudness performer?
TC: Big Sean, I love him.
EA: If you were a rapper, what would your hip-hop name be?
TC: Big Bill$, that’s also my die name, but yeah.
EA: If you had to take one person from Colby to a deserted island, who would you take and why?
TC: I’d take Eliza Appleton, because she has all these great questions to ask me. We’d always have conversation.
EA: What’s your major, and why did you choose it?
TC: I’m an American studies major. I chose it because I had taken a lot of courses that would count toward the major before realizing that it was the major. I kind of fell in love with it, in an odd way.
EA: What’s your favorite pass-time?
TC: I really enjoy spending time with my brother. We went to different high schools, and will probably go to different colleges, so spending time with him is great. As he’s gotten older, we’ve become closer.
EA: What’s your biggest fear?
TC: Losing someone I love.
EA: Who is your favorite strong-woman singer? What’s her best song?
TC: I’m gonna have to go with my mom when she sings anything.
EA: What’s your ideal date?
TC: My ideal date… I mean I’m kind of limited on campus because being at college and not having a car kind of complicates things, but I’m a big fan of getting to know people, and I also enjoy movies, so I would have to say getting a movie in Miller, and watching it in one of the Lovejoy classrooms on a projector.
EA: If you could have one super-power, what would it be?
TC: If I had a super-power, it would be to…I’m pretty super to begin with, so I don’t know. I would have to say invincibility, both physically, and emotionally.
EA: Can you tell me a little bit about your tattoos?
TC: I have 2 tattoos. The first one I got shortly after turning 18. It’s in honor of my father, who died when I was five, almost six. It’s hard to describe, but the main message of it is “guide me, father.” And the second one I got over Thanksgiving break with my brother. My brother got one for our dad as well, and I got one for my mom. It says “Mother is the name for God on the lips and hearts of all children.” One is on each shoulder.
EA: What do you look for in a girl?
TC: It’s all about personality, and confidence.
EA: Is there anything else I should know about you?
TC: The fall of 2011 will complete my clean sweep of living in Dana.
            After all of these sweet, clever, and funny responses, how could you resist him, girls? Go up to him in Dana (you won’t find him in any other dining hall), in Pulver, or on the pathways around Colby. He’s really friendly, and is always looking for people to meet and befriend. And of course, he’s single and ready to mingle!

Eliza hails from Cambridge, MA. She is a senior English major with a concentration in creative writing at Colby College. She has been working with Her Campus Colby since it launched. At Colby, she is also mentors a little girl twice a week and cooks at the Mid Maine Homeless Shelter. She knows more about sports than most boys-- especially Boston sports-- her one true love. But she also has a passion for classic literature, fashion, and modern art.
Brett is a senior at Colby College. She is an international studies and anthropology double major, and spent her first semester of college in Dijon, France.  She enjoys writing, traveling, Gossip Girl, and Thai food. Already having interned at fashion designers and magazines, she is excited to contribute to Her Campus! She is also a certified personal trainer and loves working out.