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Making It to Thanksgiving!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Colby chapter.

Now that most of the leaves have changed and fallen and it starts to get dark at about three, everyone has shifted a focus on the upcoming holiday season.  And while networks are already promoting their “25 Days of Christmas” specials and holiday music fills radio stations, we still haven’t even reached Thanksgiving yet!  Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because aside from the delicious food it encompasses family and fall.  With break in sight, it is hard to stay on task with schoolwork, but if we are focused for just a few more days it will be here before we know it!  With time off ahead and the holiday season approaching, I thought of a few things to keep in mind about break and to help you all make the most of it. 
First, make sure to rest up.  With all the obligations and distractions that keep us busy at school, it is nearly impossible to get enough sleep every night.  Going home is the perfect time to catch up on some much needed sleep and relaxation.  Soak up the peacefulness of your favorite resting spot, or enjoy a room to yourself and the comforts of your own bed by picking a morning to sleep in.  Even just lounging around at home is a great way to de-stress while still getting some family time in.

Help out!  Although it sounds cliché, Thanksgiving is the time for appreciating others and giving back- and making others happy will increase your happiness as well.  Whether it be a simple task like helping with dinner preparations or something more involved like helping out a neighbor, giving back will increase your positive energy and you will feel even happier when you come back to school. 
Take some time to yourself to reflect on life and think about the people you care about.  Free time gives you a chance to get things organized and resolve any problems that may be bringing you down.  In the spirit of thanksgiving, take a moment to appreciate the things that make you happy and focus on the positive.  Clearing your mind and establishing a positive mental attitude will refresh and prepare you to come back to school once break is over

Finally, make sure to plan activities that you enjoy to make the most of your holiday break!  Make plans to meet up with old friends or go out to your favorite restaurant to indulge in things that you can’t do at school.  Or keep it low-key one day and catch up on a TV show while enjoying a home-cooked meal.  Before break, organize what you want to accomplish or who you want to see so you can embrace the time off, but make sure to include some personal time as well!  I hope everyone has a restful, fun, (and delicious!) Thanksgiving break – it’s only a few days away!
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Brett is a senior at Colby College. She is an international studies and anthropology double major, and spent her first semester of college in Dijon, France.  She enjoys writing, traveling, Gossip Girl, and Thai food. Already having interned at fashion designers and magazines, she is excited to contribute to Her Campus! She is also a certified personal trainer and loves working out.