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How to De-stress During Exams

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Colby chapter.

Midterms are here and it’s obvious they’ve taken a toll. The yoga pants, Ugg, and sweatshirt combo has been on repeat for one too many days, and the state of your dorm room probably reflects your state of mind while studying: cluttered and in disarray. You’re probably as ready for fall break as ever (home cooked meals, your own bed…), but first you need to make it through exams. How is one supposed to keep their stress level down while attempting to write a 10-page paper the same night you have to learn how to conjugate 100 Spanish verbs? We’ve got some study tips as well as a few ways to let go of some of that pent up energy during midterms.

  1. Get Active: I know, you rarely venture towards the athletic complex on a normal week, so why would you go when you could use that time to cram for your exam? It’s a well-known fact that raising your heart rate and releasing some endorphins is a good way to get your mind off things, but it also gives you a nice study break. Instead of browsing Facebook for an hour, go for a run or use the elliptical in the gym. If the gym isn’t really your style, try a yoga class (Colby offers yoga classes Monday through Friday, schedules online) or go for a walk in the arboretum. Taking a break to work out, even in a small way, can help you refocus and power through your study sessions.
  2. Sleep!: You’ve heard it before but you’re going to hear it again, sleep is important! I know it seems like staying up until three in the morning will let you study more, but there comes a point where even the strongest of us stop retaining information. Know your limits, because we all have them. Even if your study partner is able to stay up late but you know you can’t, know when to call it a night. You’ll feel 100x more prepared for an exam if you’re alert and focused the next morning.
  3. Plan Ahead: You know the feeling; you put off studying (scrolling through Pintrest, catching up on Grey’s Anatomy) until the last possible moment. You’ve come to the point where you really should open your open your textbook, and when you finally do you realize just how much work you have ahead of yourself. You wish you had planned better because now you’ll be stuck in a cubicle in Miller for what seems like the rest of your life. Planning ahead and organizing your study time is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Don’t start the night before, figure out how much studying you actually have to do before hand and organize your time accordingly. Give yourself designated study times with breaks in between. It’s ok to take some time for yourself while studying, just don’t let it take over your day.

What are your favorite ways to destress??

Brett is a senior at Colby College. She is an international studies and anthropology double major, and spent her first semester of college in Dijon, France.  She enjoys writing, traveling, Gossip Girl, and Thai food. Already having interned at fashion designers and magazines, she is excited to contribute to Her Campus! She is also a certified personal trainer and loves working out.