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A Different Gift This Holiday Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Colby chapter.

When I think about the holiday season, the first things that come to my mind are bright lights, snow, Christmas trees, Christmas music, and, of course, presents. I’m the first to pull the “but it’s Hannukah” card when it comes to another pair of Lululemon pants I want, or that bracelet I’m just “dying” to have. When I come back to school each January, the first thing my friends and I ask each other is, “how was your break? What did you get?”
I’m not going to sit here and criticize my friends (myself included) for being too materialistic. But I do think that we have gotten out of control and that we are losing sight of the holiday spirit. After all, the holidays are about spending time with the people you love.

So I am going to propose that when your family members and friends ask you what you want this holiday season, you also ask for a donation (in your honor) to your favorite charity. Here’s why:
1. You may find that family members will be more generous when they find out that they are supporting a good cause. Example: For my Sweet 16, I asked my friends and family members to consider donating to a charity that is close to my heart, The Main Idea. I found that many people were willing to spend more money when they were giving to a charity and not just getting me another thing for my closet.
2. Can you get classier? I think it is much more respectable to give to a cause that you are passionate about than to get another pair of leather boots (because a, you probably don’t need them, and b, we only have so much room in our college closets…not to mention that you probably own an insane number of shoes already). Besides, everyone knows that the classiest women of all time were also philanthropists.
3. It is a great way to get more involved with a particular charity. When someone donates to a charity in your name (or when you make a donation yourself), you will likely end up on their mailing list. You’ll here about events you can attend and opportunities to get involved with the organization.
4. Most charities operate solely on donations. Go to any organization’s website, and you will find that a large portion of their budget comes from private donations.
5. It’s an easy way to support a cause that you care about. And there has to be something that you’re passionate about…
6. Even a small amount of money can go a long way. Really. For The Main Idea, $40 buys a camper a sleeping bag.

7. Donations are often tax-deductible. There’s no denying that your parents will appreciate this one at the end of the year.
8. You will feel really good about yourself. Enough said.
There are other ways to get involved as well. You can head over to a local soup kitchen, homeless shelter, or any other organization to help out over the holidays. While the holiday season can be some of our favorite memories, it is often a very hard time for people less fortunate.
With so many amazing charities and organizations out there, it’s so hard to pick which one to donate to!
And remember, you can always give some of your gifts to charities as well! I remember a few years ago when my sister and I had to choose one of our gifts to give to a child at a homeless shelter. I’m going to suggest we make that a tradition.
What are your favorite charities?

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Brett is a senior at Colby College. She is an international studies and anthropology double major, and spent her first semester of college in Dijon, France.  She enjoys writing, traveling, Gossip Girl, and Thai food. Already having interned at fashion designers and magazines, she is excited to contribute to Her Campus! She is also a certified personal trainer and loves working out.