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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Colby chapter.


Year: 2015

Dorm: Mitchell

Favorite dining hall: Bob’s

Major: Government

Hometown: Cohasset, MA

Relationship status: Single

Three Things You Can’t Live Without: My pups, my boys, D.D.P

Interests: pick up sports, music, travelling, boating, visors, day chays, making fires  

Favorite Movie: Anchorman

Favorite Song: Dance, Dance by Fall Out Boy  

Favorite Book: Art of War

Favorite Professional Athlete: Bucky Lasek

What do you do on campus?

I play lacrosse, go to class, sesh, dream.

What’s one girl trend you don’t understand?

When girls go out for the Saturday 8 AM run. I mean good for you gals I just don’t get it.  

What do you look for in a girl? How about a deal breaker?

Good sense of humor and a nice pair of calves. Deal breaker has got to be some bad breath.

If a girl offered to make you dinner, what would you ask her to cook?

I’m a pretty easy guy. Maybe some chicken parm and Caesar salad.

What’s your most embarrassing moment?

8th grade talent show. For some reason I decided to perform a rap duet to That’s That by R-Kelly and Snoop Dogg, and the microphone didn’t turn on. Tough one.

What’s your favorite pick-up line?

Hey babe you got a jersey? [A jersey…why?] Because I need your name and number.

How do you handle being so good looking?

I don’t know. A shower usually does the trick.

What makes you different from the average Colby student?

I was born in Singapore and have family in Costa Rica.

How did your first kiss go down?

4th grade recess, this girl saw my new Phat Farm kicks and couldn’t resist, I guess.

Do you have any funny nicknames?

Larence, Dennis.  

If you had to be handcuffed to one person at Colby for the rest of your life, who would it be and why?

John Grimaldi, he would develop a complex formula to somehow get out of them.

If you could have the life of one book character, whose would you choose?

Frodo Baggins.

If someone made a movie about your life, which actor would play you?

James Franco, don’t really know why just one of my favorites.

What’s the first CD you ever bought?

House Party-Aaron Carter.

What kind of shampoo do you use?

L’Oreal for kids.

Write a love poem about the Colby men’s lacrosse team…

I couldn’t come up with one. Sorry haha.

If you had a daughter, what would you name her and why?

Heather, because I really like that name.

What’s your spirit animal and why?

Turtle, gets the best of both worlds and definitely enjoys his life.

Any stuffed animals?

Sadly, no.  

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Running a Surf n’ Shack in Costa Rica.



Eliza hails from Cambridge, MA. She is a senior English major with a concentration in creative writing at Colby College. She has been working with Her Campus Colby since it launched. At Colby, she is also mentors a little girl twice a week and cooks at the Mid Maine Homeless Shelter. She knows more about sports than most boys-- especially Boston sports-- her one true love. But she also has a passion for classic literature, fashion, and modern art.
Brett is a senior at Colby College. She is an international studies and anthropology double major, and spent her first semester of college in Dijon, France.  She enjoys writing, traveling, Gossip Girl, and Thai food. Already having interned at fashion designers and magazines, she is excited to contribute to Her Campus! She is also a certified personal trainer and loves working out.