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7 Things You Realized Over Parents’ Weekend as Told by “Parks and Rec”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Colby chapter.

This past week was Parents’ Weekend, and campus was swarming with siblings, parents, and other various family members (not to mention dogs). Here are seven things you may have felt after seeing your parents (if you were lucky enough to have them come visit!) this weekend as told by Parks and Recreation gifs.

1. Dogs are the best.


2. You miss your dog/pets.


3. You can clean your room in less than 5 minutes. 

Your parents text your that they’re here but you’re room is still a mess. What do you do? Simple: go into beast cleaning mode (or just stuff everything under your bed).


4. Everyone else’s parents are just as embarrassing as yours.


5. It’s impossible to get into any restaurant in Waterville.

Seriously, if you didn’t make reservations like three months ago, there is a zero percent chance you got into a restaurant last weekend.


6. Leftovers are amazing.

That feeling when you open your fridge and see a bunch of leftover containers…


7. Saying goodbye is still hard.
